4th Grade Common Core: L.4.5
Common Core Identifier: L.4.5 / Grade: 4
Curriculum: Language: Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
Detail: Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.
24 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Make sure your students are practicing ELA skills everyday with this set of spiral review. They'll practice adverbs, homophones, reading comprehension, and more.
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With this week's set of daily ELA review worksheets, students will practice important language arts concepts such as idioms, formatting titles, recognizing double negatives, proofreading, and more.
Practice important language arts skills with this week's set of ELA Buzz worksheets. These review pages cover topics such as prepositions, suffixes, prefixes, capitalization of titles, and more.
This first set of daily ELA worksheets covers a lot of review topics to help students getting back in the swing of things. They'll identify adjectives, differentiate between possessive and plural nouns, proofread sentences, and more.
Learn about a special kind of wetland found mostly along the Gulf of Mexico by reading this article. Complete a paired crossword, writing prompt, and variety of comprehension questions.
Identify misspelled words, use reflexive pronouns, learn to fix double negatives, and more with this week's set of daily ELA review worksheets.
This week's daily ELA worksheets cover important language arts concepts such as metaphors, proofreading, coordinating conjunctions, articles, and much more.
Practice more crucial 4th grade English language arts skills this week with our next set of ELA Buzz.
Keep those ELA skills fresh through the end of the school year by staying on top of these daily review sheets. This week, students will work on adverbs, prefixes, prepositional phrases, and much more.
These engaging, spiraling ELA review worksheets cover key 4th grade language arts skills such as coordinating conjunctions, reading comprehension, possessives, synonyms, and more.
The Appalachians are some of Earth’s oldest mountains. They run through several provinces and more than a dozen states. Find out how they were shaped and how they shaped communities in this article.
Practice more ELA skills with this next set of worksheets. Topics include spelling, transition words, homographs, digraphs, and more.
This week in 4th grade ELA Buzz, students will review skills like idioms, synonyms, spelling, suffixes, homographs, and more.
Keep those ELA skills fresh with this week's set of daily ELA Buzz worksheets for fourth grade. Skills this week include title capitalization, homophones, compound words, quotations, and more.
This week's set of review worksheets includes exercises on superlative and comparative adjectives, compound sentences, analogies, and more.
Daily practice helps make sure students don't fall behind or forget important ELA skills. This week students will review metaphors, double negatives, reflexive pronouns, and more.
Print off this week's set of ELA Buzz worksheets and have your students practice important fourth grade skills such as prepositions, suffixes, subject-verb agreement, and more.
In week 13 of fourth grade ELA Buzz, students will work on spelling, commonly confused words, proper nouns, punctuation, and more.
Use this set of daily ELA review worksheets to practice skills such as simple and compound sentences, title capitalization, parts of speech, idioms, and more.
Work on key parts of fourth grade ELA curricula this week with our daily spiral review worksheets. Topics include suffixes, quotations, synonyms, and much more.
Review homophones, irregular verbs, subject-verb agreement, and much more with this week's set of daily ELA Buzz worksheets.
Practice important fourth grade skills with this week's packet of language arts review worksheets. Topics covered include homophones, comparative and superlative adjectives, turning lists into complete sentences, and more.
Keep on reinforcing those fourth grade language arts skills with this next set of daily ELA review worksheets. Skills featured this week include fixing misspelled words, identifying homophones, simple and compound sentences, and much more.
These daily ELA review sheets cover a variety of language arts skills for students at a fourth-grade level, including suffixes, commas, verb tense, and more.