Decimal Printables

Teach students to read, write, and recognize basic decimals. Includes worksheets with only tenths, only hundredths, only thousandths, as well as a mix of all three. Also includes fraction to decimal conversions.
Comparing and Ordering DecimalsLearn to order and compare the value of decimal numbers.
Rounding DecimalsRound decimals to the nearest tenth, hundredth, and/or thousandth.
Decimal Place Value: TenthsOn these worksheets, you'll find place value concepts applied to decimals. Most decimals are to the nearest thousandth.
Decimal Place Value: HundredthsThese place value worksheets include decimals with a hundredths place. Worksheets include: determining the values of digits, rounding, and ordering numbers.
Decimal Place Value: ThousandthsHere we have a variety of worksheets with decimals that have a thousandths place.
Adding and Subtracting DecimalsPractice adding and subtracting decimals numbers.
Multiplying DecimalsPractice multiply decimals by 1 and 2-digit numbers. Includes a variety of horizontal, vertical, and word problems.
Dividing DecimalsPractice dividing decimals with 1-digit and 2-digit divisors.
PercentsGive fractions or decimals, find the percentages.
FractionsTHis page has fraction place value activities, as well as fraction rounding and equivalent fractions. There are also addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fraction worksheets.

Learning and practicing decimals is a fundamental part of elementary school math, laying the groundwork for more advanced concepts in mathematics. Understanding decimals is crucial as they are a key component in daily life, from handling money to measuring and interpreting data. In the classroom, students are introduced to the concept of decimals as an extension of the number system they are already familiar with, providing a bridge between whole numbers and fractions. This allows children to grasp the idea of smaller parts and increments, which is vital for their mathematical development.
Teachers often employ a variety of hands-on methods to teach decimals, ensuring that students can see how decimals apply to real-world situations. Visual aids like number lines, base ten blocks, and place value charts are commonly used to illustrate the concept of tenths, hundredths, and thousandths. Additionally, engaging activities like interactive games, decimal-based word problems, and group exercises help solidify students' understanding. These methods not only make learning decimals more accessible but also build confidence as students progress from basic concepts to more complex operations such as decimal addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Grasping the importance of decimals early on is essential for elementary students, as it impacts their future success in math. Decimals are not only foundational in math-related subjects like algebra and geometry but are also integrated into everyday life. From calculating change to understanding measurements in science and art, decimals are everywhere. Ensuring that students have a strong understanding of this topic is key to helping them excel in future academic endeavors and gain practical skills that will serve them in the real world.