2nd Grade Spelling (Level B)

The first unit in the level-b (2nd grade) spelling series features short a words. The full spelling list includes the words: bats, has, flat, grab, can, ran, last, sat, as, plan.
Spelling Unit B-2List B-2 has a set of words with the short e vowel sound, such as wet, went, end, left, else, pen, sent, yes, rest, and legs.
Spelling Unit B-3Here's a link to the third unit in the STW spelling series. All words have the short i vowel sound. There are also review words from B-1. New words are digs, trick, did, his, flip, wins, kick, if, is, and slip.
Spelling Unit B-4In the fourth unit, students will learn to spell stop, job, not, spot, top, lot, slot, dock, box, and drop. All of the words have the short o vowel. This list also has short e review words from unit B-2.
Spelling Unit B-5In this unit, students will practice spelling short u words, such as bugs, until, fun, under, rugs, does, stuck, tub, truck, but, dug, and funny.
Spelling Unit B-6Spell long a words, such as rain, made, day, nail, tape, paid, came, play, say, take, snake, and chain.
Spelling Unit B-7Long e words are the topic for these lessons: keep, lady, only, deep, because, beak, treat, free, tree, baby, read, and eat.
Spelling Unit B-8Long i words are the focus this week. Time, right, dry, sight, eye, sky, nine, kind, high, sides.
Spelling Unit B-9Unit 9 has long o words, such as: home, foam, joke, boat, snow, goes, float, own, nose, goal, also, and bowl.
Spelling Unit B-10Each of the words in this unit has consonant blends. Word list: crab, sweep, trip, black, grams, fast, snap, flame, brush, fact.
Spelling Unit B-11In unit 11, students will spell words with TH, WH, SH, and CH. List: chair, sheep, why, who, when, both, chart, they, this, crash.
Spelling Unit B-12In this unit, your class will learn to spell words with -ed and -ing suffixes. Clapping, planned, worrying, sitting, getting, shipped, trapped, tagged, stopping, patted, carried, running.
Spelling Unit B-13On these worksheets, children will practice spelling singular and plural nouns, such as: mess, messes, desk, desks, kitten, kittens, map, maps, fly, flies, lunch, and lunches.
Spelling Unit B-14The sounds /g/ and /j/ are the focus of this word list. Game, gold, buggy, huge, jacket, gym, danger, page, just.
Spelling Unit B-15These words all end with /k/. Duck, leak, steak, cheek, comic, magic, music, back, check, mistake, chalk, and track.
Spelling Unit B-16This week, students will learn to spell homophones. Word list includes to/two/too, here/hear, bye/buy/by, where/wear, and no/know.
Spelling Unit B-17These words all have the /s/ sound. Six, since, fence, city, soft, face, ice, price, ask, and slice. Star Words are place and circle.
Spelling Unit B-18Here's a unit with words ending in -ng, -nk, and -nd. Bank, stand, lungs, string, thank, band, blink, sang, lend, found, long, and sink.
Spelling Unit B-19In this unit, your students can learn to spell words with the short-oo and long-oo sound. Book, pool, took, noon, tool, cookie, stood, loops, good, crook, and spoon.
Spelling Unit B-20The focus of this unit is /ow/ words, such as: how, couch, mouth, house, down, cows, brown, now, round, and about.
Spelling Unit B-21Contractions are the theme for this week's words. List includes: can't, we'd, don't, wasn't, hasn't, doesn't, you'll, we've, I'll, won't, you'd, and we'll.
Spelling Unit B-22Learn to read and spell words with r-controlled vowels. Each word has the /ar/ or /or/ sound. Car, store, jar, fork, hard, cord, more, are, start, and sports.
Spelling Unit B-23This week's words have the /aw/ sound. Tall, pause, draw, fault, all, claw, lawn, almost, salt, and yawn.
Spelling Unit B-24The words in this unit are compound words. List includes: cupcake, sometime, into, football, maybe, herself, sidewalk, anything, bulldog, butterfly, bedroom, and without.
Spelling Unit B-25This unit has words with the long-oo sound, spelled with the letters ue, -u-e, and ew. List includes: suit, drew, blue, fruit, rule, cube, true, new, juice, screw, glue, and flew.
Spelling Unit B-26These words have the /oi/ sound. Boy, joy, oil, coin, foil, join, annoy, soil, enjoy, and toy.
Spelling Unit B-27The words in this unit all end with the schwa+l sound, spelled le. Bubble, little, middle, marble, apple, puzzle, angle, and simple.
Spelling Unit B-28The words on this list all have the schwa+r sound. This is spelled with the letters er, ir, and ur. Bird, after, girl, camper, fur, swirl, hurt, burn, over, and player.
Spelling Unit B-29Learn to spell singular nouns and their irregular plurals. Words for this unit include: foot, feet, mouse, mice, woman, women, child, children, tooth, teeth, mouse, and mice.
Spelling Unit B-30This is the final unit in the 2nd grade spelling series. Each word on this list has a silent consonant. Write, knock, wrist, thumb, knee, knight, wrestle, plumber, knew, lamb, sign, and wrong.
Halloween Unit (Level B)This set of spelling resources has Halloween words. All words have a witch theme. Witch, kettle, black, broom, fly, wand, night, moon, brew, and charm.
Thanksgiving Unit (Level B)Included on this holiday word list are the words dinner, turkey, pie, roll, family, beans, plate, fork, thank, knife, food, butter, and potato.
Christmas Unit (Level B)This "Santa"-themed holiday unit contains the following words: beard, reindeer, sled, Santa, bag, gift, ho ho ho, boots, candy cane, toys, cookie, milk, North Pole, Mrs. Claus, and red suit.
Easter Unit (Level B)The Easter list includes the following words: bunny, carrot, egg, ham, spring, color, rabbit, chick, hide, find, hop, candy, and basket.
Baseball Words (Theme)Here is a baseball-themed spelling unit with the following words: diamond, pitcher, ball, throw, mitt, catch, hit, run, base, runner, slide, safe, batter, field, and out.
Car Parts Words (Theme)This spelling unit includes words that are all about car parts! The words in this unit include: engine, mirror, hood, tires, wheel, gas cap, key, door, air bag, trunk, seat belt, bumper, radio, window, and lock.
Insects Words (Theme)Check out the insect-themed words in this spelling unit: beetle, dragonfly, wasp, firefly, ladybug, moth, bee, ant, cricket, butterfly, grasshopper, mantis, bedbug, flea, and wings.
Numbers Words (Theme)The numbers-themed spelling unit includes the following words: eighteen, eleven, six, three, four, seven, five, two, seventeen, eight, nine, twelve, fifteen, fourteen, and thirteen.
Spelling Level A (1st Grade)If the Level B spelling lessons are too hard for your students, go on down to the Level A (1st Grade) units.
Spelling Level C (3rd Grade)If the Level B spelling units are too easy for your student, you may want to jump up to Level C (Grade 3).
Old Spelling Series (Level B)Here's a link to the 2nd grade worksheets in our old spelling series. It's not nearly as good as our new series, but if you're looking for it... here it is.

Second-grade spelling is a pivotal part of language development, as students build upon the foundational skills they acquired in first grade. At this level, they encounter more challenging words, complex spelling patterns, and an expanded vocabulary. Super Teacher Worksheets provides a comprehensive second-grade spelling curriculum with 30 weekly units, plus holiday-themed units, offering a well-rounded approach to help students master these critical skills. Through engaging activities like sentence completion, scrambled words, word hunts, flashcards, ABC order, and weekly quizzes, students practice spelling in a variety of ways, reinforcing their language, reading, and writing abilities.
In the classroom, teachers employ multiple strategies to ensure students gain confidence and proficiency in spelling. Interactive word walls, group activities like spelling bees, and hands-on tools such as magnetic letters or letter tiles keep learning engaging. Writing exercises, such as short stories or daily journaling, allow students to apply their spelling knowledge in context, solidifying their understanding. Digital tools, such as spelling apps or online games, can also complement traditional methods, catering to different learning preferences and making spelling practice fun and dynamic.
Mastering second-grade spelling is crucial for students’ academic growth. It improves their ability to decode and comprehend text, enhances written communication, and strengthens their overall literacy skills. By developing strong spelling habits in second grade, students are better prepared for the more advanced language demands they will face in later grades. Super Teacher Worksheets’ diverse spelling resources offer teachers a reliable way to support their students’ spelling journey, providing engaging, meaningful practice that fosters confidence and long-term success in ELA.