Percent Worksheets
Use these printable worksheets to teach students about percentages. Convert from fractions and decimals to percents, solve word problems, and more.

Convert the fractions and decimals into percents and complete the table. All fractions are out of 100.
5th through 7th Grades
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Write each percent as a fraction (and vice-versa). Includes a word problem too. All fractions are out of 100.
5th through 7th Grades
Tell what percentage of each picture is shaded. All pictures are divided into tenths or hundredths.
5th through 7th Grades
Cut out the fraction and decimal squares. Glue each next to the corresponding percent. (example: .06 = 6%)
4th through 6th Grades
Complete the table by writing fractions in simplest form, decimals, and percents.
5th through 7th Grades
Convert each fraction into a percent, then convert the percents into fractions, then solve the word problem.
5th through 7th Grades
Students list the percent, fraction, and decimal amounts for each of the colors in each pie graph.
5th through 7th Grades
Tell the percentage of each shape that is shaded. Also list the fraction and decimal amount.
5th through 7th Grades
Solve each percent word problem. All fractions are not out of 100, so students must have a familiarity with equivalent fractions.
5th through 7th Grades
In this memory matching card game, students match each percent card with the correct fraction or decimal.
5th through 7th Grades
The number line shows the relationship between fractions and percents. Compare each percent to the fraction show. Use the symbols <, >, and =.
5th through 7th Grades
Use the formula to calculate your weight on other planets. example: The gravity of Venus is 90% of Earth's gravity. To calculate your weight on Venus, multiply your weight by 0.9.
4th through 6th Grades
This worksheet has a pie graph titled, Favorite Seasons. Use the graph to answer the questions. Requires basic knowledge of percentages.
(Approx. grade levels 3-5)
(Approx. grade levels 3-5)
3rd through 5th Grades
This circle graph shows the percentages of field trip choices. Students must interpret the graph and answer the questions. Intermediate level.
4th through 7th Grades
This circle chart shows how Contessa spends her money. What percentage of her money was spent on clothes and movies?
3rd through 6th Grades
Practice converting between decimals, fractions, and percentages with this interactive classroom scoot game.
5th through 7th Grades
Try these worksheets on equivalent fractions, ordering fractions, and comparing fractions.
Decimal WorksheetsLearn about decimals to the nearest tenth and hundredth with these printables.