Easter Spelling Grade 2
This Easter spelling unit includes the words: bunny, hide, color, ham, chick, candy, basket, egg, carrot, spring, hop, rabbit, find.

Word list for this unit includes: bunny, find, color, carrot, egg, ham, chick, hop, candy, spring, hide, basket, rabbit.
2nd Grade
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In this spelling worksheet, students will fill in the blank with the appropriate spelling word, choosing from the word bank provided.
2nd Grade
Rearrange the groups of words to make complete sentences. Each one has 2 or 3 spelling words in it.
2nd Grade
Rearrange the letters to make spelling words from the Easter list. For example, the letters "uynbn" unscramble to make the word bunny.
3rd Grade
In their neatest print or cursive handwriting, students write each spelling word two times.
2nd Grade
Find the Easter spelling words in this word find puzzle. All words hidden vertically and horizontally.
2nd Grade
In this activity, students will practice typing out their spelling words on a word processor, such as Microsoft Word or GoogleDocs.
2nd Grade
This file has flashcards with the Easter spelling words. Use them for study groups, small group instruction, or for classroom spelling games.
2nd Grade
Print this PDF on thick card stock. Cut and assemble the word wheel. Use the wheel to play a spelling game. Player 1 spins the wheel and reads the words. Player 2 spells the words aloud.
2nd Grade
Practice reading all fifteen of the Easter-themed words with a pig-shaped word slider. (The ALT button below has a color version.)
2nd Grade
Cut out the spelling word cards. Then arrange them alphabetically. Then glue them onto the worksheet.
2nd Grade
Write all spelling words in alphabetical order, starting with the word basket and ending with spring.
2nd Grade
Here are some sentences you can read aloud as you give the end-of-week spelling assessment.
2nd Grade
In this PDF, you'll find master lists for all 30+ spelling units in the S.T.W. spelling series.
2nd Grade
On this page, you'll find Easter- themed reading comprehension passages, puzzles, math worksheets, classroom games, and much more.
Grade 2 Spelling UnitsHere is a link to all Grade 2 (Level B) spelling units. There are 30 phonics-based units in all, plus holiday units.