Super Teacher Worksheets

2nd Grade Spelling

Spelling lists, worksheets, and activities specially designed for 2nd grade students.

Spelling Bee

List B-1

Level B Spelling: List 1. Words with the short a sound; Words include: flat, last, plan
2nd Grade
List 1: Word List Free Spelling Worksheet
Common Core
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Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
2nd Grade
List 1:  ABC Order Free Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
2nd Grade
List 1: Word Scramble Free Spelling Worksheet

List B-2

Level B Spelling: List 2. Words with the short e sound; Words include: else, went, rest
2nd Grade
List 2: Word List Free Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
2nd Grade
List 2:  ABC Order Free Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
2nd Grade
List 2: Word Scramble Free Spelling Worksheet

List B-3

Level B Spelling: List 3. Words with the short i sound; Words include:  kick, sip, trick
2nd Grade
List 3: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
2nd Grade
List 3:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
2nd Grade
List 3: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List B-4

Level B Spelling: List 4. Words with short o sound; Words include:  spot, drop, robot
2nd Grade
List 4: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
2nd Grade
List 4:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
2nd Grade
List 4: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List B-5

Level B Spelling: List 5. Words with the short u sound; Words include: but, bugs, until
2nd Grade
List 5: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
2nd Grade
List 5:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
2nd Grade
List 5: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List B-6

Level B Spelling: List 6. Words with ay and a-(c)-e; Words include: plate, trade, say
2nd Grade
List 6: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
2nd Grade
List 6:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
2nd Grade
List 6: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List B-7

Level B: Spelling Words, List 7. Words with long e spelled e and ee; Words include: free, steep, she
2nd Grade
List 7: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
2nd Grade
List 7:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
2nd Grade
List 7: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List B-8

Level B Spelling: List 8. Words with long i sound; Words include: mine, lines, buy
2nd Grade
List 8: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
2nd Grade
List 8:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
2nd Grade
List 8: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List B-9

Level B Spelling: List 9. Words with the long o sound; Words include: home, also, coat
2nd Grade
List 9: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
2nd Grade
List 9:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
2nd Grade
List 9: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List B-10

Level B Spelling: List 10. Words with long u, short u, and -om; Words include: use, grump, under
2nd Grade
List 10: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
2nd Grade
List 10:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
2nd Grade
List 10: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List B-11

Level B Spelling: List 11. Words with ar; Words include: start, card, apart
2nd Grade
List 11: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
2nd Grade
List 11:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
2nd Grade
List 11: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List B-12

Level B Spelling: List 12. Words with er and ur; Words include: after, furry, mother
2nd Grade
List 12: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
2nd Grade
List 12:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
2nd Grade
List 12: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List B-13

Level B Spelling: List 13. Words with ir, or, our; Words include:  shore, our, your
2nd Grade
List 13: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
2nd Grade
List 13:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
2nd Grade
List 13: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List B-14

Level B Spelling: List 14. Words with ow and ou; Words include:  how, brown, grow
2nd Grade
List 14: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
2nd Grade
List 14:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
2nd Grade
List 14: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List B-15

Level B Spelling Words: List 15. Words ending in ing; Words include: doing, looking, running
2nd Grade
List 15: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
2nd Grade
List 15:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
2nd Grade
List 15: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List B-16

Level B Spelling: List 16. Words with long e spelled y; Words include: baby, penny, dizzy
2nd Grade
List 16: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
2nd Grade
List 16:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
2nd Grade
List 16: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List B-17

Level B Spelling: List 17. Homophones; Words include: to, too, two
2nd Grade
List 17: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
2nd Grade
List 17:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
2nd Grade
List 17: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List B-18

Level Spelling: List 18. Words with oo; Words include: crook, poor, loops
2nd Grade
List 18: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
2nd Grade
List 18:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
2nd Grade
List 18: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List B-19

Level B Spelling: List 19. Verbs with ed at the end; Words include: liked, baked, jumped
2nd Grade
List 19: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
2nd Grade
List 19:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
2nd Grade
List 19: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List B-20

Level B: Spelling Words, List 20. Contractions; Words include: can't, wasn't, I'll
2nd Grade
List 20: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
2nd Grade
List 20:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
2nd Grade
List 20: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List B-21

Level B: Spelling Words, List 21. Words with consonant blends; Words include: brush, crash, sweep
2nd Grade
List 21: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
2nd Grade
List 21:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
2nd Grade
List 21: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List B-22

Level B: Spelling Words, List 22. Words with th; Words include: they, these, other
2nd Grade
List 22: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
2nd Grade
List 22:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
2nd Grade
List 22: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List B-23

Level B: Spelling Words, List 23. Plurals with -s and -es; Words include: mess, messes, lunch, lunches
2nd Grade
List 23: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
2nd Grade
List 23:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
2nd Grade
List 23: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List B-24

Level B: Spelling Words, List 24. Irregular plural spellings; Words include: woman, women, mouse, mice
2nd Grade
List 24: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
2nd Grade
List 24:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the words
2nd Grade
List 24: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List B-25

Level B: Spelling Words, List 25; Words with s and soft c; Words include: ice, slice, place
2nd Grade
List 25: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.
2nd Grade
List 25:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the spelling words.
2nd Grade
List 25: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List B-26

Level B Spelling: List 26. Compound words; into, maybe, football
2nd Grade
List 26: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue
2nd Grade
List 26:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the words
2nd Grade
List 26: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List B-27

Level B Spelling: List 27. Words with f and ff; Words include: flew, five, stuff
2nd Grade
List 27: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue
2nd Grade
List 27:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the words
2nd Grade
List 27: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List B-28

Level B Spelling: List 28. Words with h, w, and wh; Words include: help, willing, when
2nd Grade
List 28: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue
2nd Grade
List 28:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the words
2nd Grade
List 28: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List B-29

Level B Spelling: List 29. Words with silent letters; Words include: walk, knew, thumb
2nd Grade
List 29: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue
2nd Grade
List 29:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the words
2nd Grade
List 29: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List B-30

Level B Spelling: List 30. Words with long i spelled -igh and -y; Words include: right, flight, eye
2nd Grade
List 30: Word List Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue
2nd Grade
List 30:  ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the words
2nd Grade
List 30: Word Scramble Spelling Worksheet

List B: Halloween

Level B Spelling, Holiday List: Halloween.  Words include: trick, treat, black cat
2nd Grade
Holiday List - Halloween Spelling Worksheet

List B: Thanksgiving

Level B Spelling, Holiday List: Thanksgiving. Words include: dinner, corn, thank
2nd Grade
Holiday List - Thanksgiving Spelling Worksheet

List B: Christmas

Level B Spelling, Holiday List: Christmas. Words include: bells, gift, Santa
2nd Grade
Holiday List - Christmas Spelling Worksheet
Level B Spelling Words, Holiday List: Valentine's Day. Words include: card, love, Cupid
2nd Grade
Holiday List - Valentine\'s Day Spelling Worksheet
Level B Spelling Words Holiday List: St. Patrick's Day. Words include: green, gold, clover
2nd Grade
Holiday List - St. Patrick\'s Day Spelling Worksheet

List B: Easter

Level B Spelling Words, Holiday List: Easter. Words include: rabbit, egg, jellybean
2nd Grade
Holiday List - Easter Spelling Worksheet
Cut, sort, and glue
2nd Grade
Holiday List - Easter: ABC Order Spelling Worksheet
Unscramble the words
2nd Grade
Holiday List - Easter: Unscramble Spelling Worksheet

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Level B Spelling Words, Holiday List: Easter

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Sample Worksheet Images

2nd Grade Spelling List

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