Super Teacher Worksheets

6th Grade Common Core: 6.G.1

Common Core Identifier: 6.G.1 / Grade: 6
Curriculum: Geometry: Solve Real-World And Mathematical Problems Involving Area, Surface Area, And Volume.
Detail: Find the area of right triangles, other triangles, special quadrilaterals, and polygons by composing into rectangles or decomposing into triangles and other shapes; apply these techniques in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems.
48 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Find the area of each rectangle and right triangle illustrated.
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Use the formula to calculate the area of the parallelograms shown. In the intermediate-level worksheets, the measurements are mostly 2-digit whole numbers.
Answer these thinking questions about triangles and area.
Find the area of each of the triangles shown. This page has nine triangle illustrations and three problems with written measurements. All triangles have metric measurements.
Use the formula to find the areas of these six right triangles.
Find the areas of the triangles. Base and height measurements include larger numbers decimals, and fractions. Some triangle measurements also have mixed units.
Use the formula to calculate the area of the three trapezoids shown. In the intermediate-level worksheets, the measurements are all double-digit whole numbers.
Calculate the area of each of the nine triangles shown.
This worksheet shows students how to find the area of a triangle. There are 9 practice problems. Triangles measurements have mixed units, decimals, and/or fractions.
Calculate the area of each triangle and rectangle picture.  This activity teaches the relationship between the areas of right triangles and rectangles.  Requires knowledge of 2-digit decimal multiplication.
This worksheet shows students how to find the area of a triangle. There are 9 practice problems. Triangle measurements have two-digit numbers, decimals, and fractions.
Find the area and perimeter of each triangle shown.
Download a deck of 30 "area of a trapezoid" cards. Use them for peer study groups, classroom scavenger hunts, or small group instruction.
This page has nine trapezoid illustrations. Can your pupils find the area of each?
This worksheet has three parts. In the first part, calculate the base and height of the parallelograms. In the second part, students use subtraction to find the area of the unshaded parts of a shape. In the final part, they calculate the area of an irregular shape.
Print these area of a triangle task cards. Use them for classroom games, exit slips, on your document camera, or scavenger hunts.
This worksheet has three parts. In part one, students find the areas of three triangles. In part two, they find the areas of a triangle that is divided into parts. In part three, they are given the area and they calculate the height.
These area of trapezoids problems require students to think carefully and use reasoning.
For each triangle shown, students calculate the perimeter and the area.
Calculate both the perimeter and area of these parallelograms. Side and height lengths include decimals and fractions.
Print these task cards to use for classroom scavenger hunts, peer groups, small group instruction, or other activities.
Use the formula to calculate the areas of the four parallelograms shown. This basic version contains single-digit, whole number measurements.
Use the formula A=bh to find the areas of the 9 parallelograms shown.
First calculate the perimeter of each trapezoids by adding the lengths of the sides. Then find the area by multiplying the length of the base times the height.
Calculate the areas of the triangles on these task cards. Use these cards for exit slips, classroom projects, or on your whiteboard document camera.
Find the area and perimeter of each of the nine parallelograms given.
Students will take their thinking to the next level with these challenging area of trapezoids questions.
This page has nine parallelogram illustrations. Multiply the base times the height to find the area of each.
Find both the perimeter and the area of each trapezoid shape shown.
You can use these advanced task cards for classroom scavenger hunts, peer groups, small group instruction, or other activities.
Use the formula to calculate the areas of the trapezoids shown. This basic version contains small, whole number measurements.
Use the formula shown at the top to calculate the areas of the 9 trapezoids pictured.
This math card set has 30 parallelogram graphics that can be used for peer tutoring, learning centers, document camera examples, or exit slips.
Download a deck of 30 Area of a Parallelogram cards. Use them for peer study groups, classroom scavenger hunts, or small group instruction.
First, find the area of three different triangles. Then find the areas of triangles within a larger shape. Then find the height when you are given the area.
Use higher-order thinking and calculate answers to these four challenging questions.
Here's a worksheet with 9 parallelogram pictures. Calculate the area of each by multiplying base times height.
These trapezoids have 2-digit measurements for each side. Find both the area and perimeter of each.
Plot, label, and connect each point to make a composite polygon. Then find the figure's area in units.
Find the areas of five different trapezoids. This advanced-level worksheet includes 3-digit numbers and decimals.
This worksheets has 9 trapezoid models. Students can practice finding the area of each one.
These task cards can be used on your document projector, for whole-class games, as exit slips, or for daily practice.
This file contains 30 area of a triangle task cards. Use them for classroom scavenger hunts, peer tutoring, exit slips, or on your document camera.
In the top section, your pupils will find the area of three triangles. In the middle section, find the areas of triangle parts. In the final section, they are given the area and must calculate the height.
Use reasoning and higher thinking skills to solve these problems.
Find the perimeter and the area of each triangle shown. This advanced-level worksheet has 3-digit decimal numbers.
On this worksheet, your students will find both the perimeter and area of the shapes.
These advanced area exercises challenge students to think deeply and practice their math skills.
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Common Core Alignment