Super Teacher Worksheets

4th Grade Spelling Unit D-10

The topic of this week's are all words with double letters. Word list includes: officer, occupied, mirror, equally, glimmer, traffic, succeed, grammar, approve, career, warrior, arrival, accidental, proceed, worried, toolbar, cabbage, scanner, swollen, offend, fitness, and install.

4th Grade Spelling Worksheets - Unit 10

Spelling List

This weeks unit focuses on words that have double letters. Learn how to spell words such as officer, approve, succeed, and grammar.
3rd Grade
Spelling List D-10 Spelling D Worksheet


In this activity, answer phonics questions about your spelling words, identify the spelling word that matches the definition, complete the sentences, and more!
4th Grade
Spelling Question Worksheet (D-10) Spelling D Worksheet
Read each sentence. Decide if the spelling word is spelled correctly or incorrectly. If it is spelled wrong, write the correct spelling on the line.
4th Grade
Find the Errors (D-10) Spelling D Worksheet
Unscramble the mixed-up letters in your unit ten spelling words.
4th Grade
Unscramble (D-10) Spelling D Worksheet
Challenge your students to complete this crossword puzzle using all their spelling words from Unit 10.
4th Grade
Crossword Puzzle (D-10)  Spelling D Worksheet
Practice makes perfect! On the line write each Unit 10 word two times.
4th Grade
Write Twice (D-10) Free Spelling D Worksheet
Students will search for their spelling words hidden inside the puzzle. Words are hidden diagonally, horizontally, and vertically.
4th Grade
Word Search (D-10) Spelling D Worksheet
Create your own word search with the double letter words from this week's spelling unit.
4th Grade
Make-a-Search (D-10) Spelling D Worksheet
Students will practice their typing skills using this spelling activity and a word processor.
4th Grade
Typing Sentences (D-10)  Spelling D Worksheet


This file has flashcards with all 25 double-letter spelling words on them.
4th Grade
Flashcards (D-10) Spelling D Worksheet

Alphabetical Order

Write each group of spelling words in ABC order. (Example: cabbage, accidental, became, approve, arrival --> accidental, approve, arrival, became, cabbage)
4th Grade
Alphabetical Order (D-10) Spelling D Worksheet
Put the Unit 10 spelling words in alphabetical order. Cut along the dotted lines and then glue the words in the boxes provided.
4th Grade
Cut n\' Glue (D-10) Spelling D Worksheet
Write all of your unit ten spelling words alphabetically, starting with the word accidental and ending with the word worried.
4th Grade
ABC Order: Write List (D-10) Spelling D Worksheet

Spelling Test

Think you can spell all of this weeks spelling words? Test your knowledge with a spelling test!
4th Grade
Spelling Test (D-10) Spelling D Worksheet
Read this list of spelling sentences out loud to your students as they take this week's spelling test.
4th Grade
Spelling Test Sentences (D-10) Spelling D Worksheet

Master List

On this PDF file, you can read through all 38 word lists in the 4th grade spelling series. There are 30 main lists, 4 holiday lists, and 4 themed lists.
Master Word Lists (4th Grade) Spelling D Worksheet

See Also:

Spelling Unit D-11

Spelling Unit D-11 are all plural words. List: families , parties, skies, essays, varieties, surveys, journeys, valleys, countries, flies, railways, opportunities, responsibilities, supplies, delays, memories, keys, trays, hobbies, kidneys, candies, and puppies.

4th Grade - Full Spelling

This page will take you back to the full list of 4th grade spelling units on STW.

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Fourth Grade Spelling Flashcards

Fourth Grade Spelling List

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