Super Teacher Worksheets

4th Grade Spelling Unit D-11

Spelling Unit D-11 are all plural nouns. List: families , parties, skies, essays, varieties, surveys, journeys, valleys, countries, flies, railways, opportunities, responsibilities, supplies, delays, memories, keys, trays, hobbies, kidneys, candies, and puppies.

Spelling Worksheets - 4th Grade - Unit 11

Spelling List

In this unit, your class will learn to spell plurals of nouns that end with the letter y. Full list: puppies, delays, journeys, candies, memories, families, countries, supplies, parties, skies, kidneys, valleys, railways, essays, varieties, trays, keys, flies, surveys, and hobbies.
4th Grade
Spelling List D-11 Spelling D Worksheet


In this activity, students unscramble the spelling words, answer phonics questions, identify spelling words to match the definition, and complete the sentences. An answer key is included.
4th Grade
Spelling Question Worksheet (D-11) Spelling D Worksheet
Carefully read each sentence and circle the plural noun. If the word is spelled incorrectly, write the corrected word.
4th Grade
Fix the Mistakes (D-11) Spelling D Worksheet
The letters in the unit eleven spelling words are all mixed up! Unscramble them and spell the words correctly on the line.
4th Grade
Unscramble (D-11) Spelling D Worksheet
Can your students solve the complete crossword puzzle with all of the spelling words from Unit 11?
4th Grade
Crossword Puzzle (D-11)  Spelling D Worksheet
Write each plural noun two times on this two-sided worksheet.
4th Grade
Write Twice (D-11) Spelling D Worksheet
Can you find all the spelling words hidden in this word search puzzle? Words are hidden diagonally, vertically, and horizontally.
4th Grade
Word Search (D-11) Spelling D Worksheet
Students will make their own word search puzzle by hiding their spelling words in the grid. Then they can give the puzzle to a friend to solve.
4th Grade
Make a Word Search (D-11) Spelling D Worksheet
Students will practice their typing skills and their spelling skills using this printable spelling activity.
4th Grade
Typing Activity (D-11) Spelling D Worksheet


Use these cards to play a spelling game. Place all of the cards on the table upside-down. Players take turns drawing a card at random. When they draw a card, they can ask a classmate to spell the word.
4th Grade
Flashcards (D-11) Spelling D Worksheet

Alphabetical Order

Your spelling words are in groups of four or five words. Put each group in alphabetical order.
4th Grade
Alphabetical Order (D-11) Spelling D Worksheet
Write all spelling words alphabetically, starting with always, and ending with varieties.
4th Grade
ABC Order: Full List (D-11) Free Spelling D Worksheet
Put this weeks spelling words in alphabetical order. Cut out each spelling word and glue in the boxes provided. Words include hobbies, candies, and puppies.
4th Grade
ABC Order: Cut and Glue (D-11) Spelling D Worksheet

Spelling Test

This test paper has a picture of a child playing with a litter of puppies. There are lines for students to write their spelling test words.
4th Grade
Spelling Test (D-11) Spelling D Worksheet
Check out these 25 sentences that you can read aloud to your students for this week's spelling test.
4th Grade
Spelling Test Sentences (D-11) Spelling D Worksheet

Master List

View the master word lists for all 4th grade units in the STW spelling series.
Master Lists (Grade 4) Spelling D Worksheet

See Also:

Spelling Unit D-12

Fourth grade spelling Unit D-12 are all plural words. Word list includes: children, parentheses, brushes, heroes, women, buffaloes, patches, potatoes, marches, foxes, itches, sketches, species, compasses, twitches, halves, mosquitoes, wolves, scarves, stitches, echoes, and loaves.

Full Spelling Index (4th)

Link back to the full spelling index. From this page you can jump to any unit in our 4th grade spelling series.

Sample Worksheet Images

Sample Worksheet Images

Fourth Grade Spelling Flashcards

Fourth Grade Spelling Words

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