Super Teacher Worksheets

Sixth Grade Printable Science Worksheets

STW has an array of sixth grade science worksheets to aid students in learning about the states of matter, the systems of the human body, electricity and circuits, and the natural geography and composition of the Earth. Free printable PDF worksheets are available for all to engage in these 6th grade science areas. Check out even more 6th grade science content.

Super Teacher Worksheets


Explore key concepts about water and its various states, including ice, liquid water, water vapor, evaporation, condensation, boiling, and freezing. This printable is perfect for helping students understand the water cycle and the processes that change water from one state to another.
6th Grade
Changing Water 6th Grade Science Worksheet
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This 6th grade science worksheet introduces the three states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas. With clear visuals and simple explanations, students will learn how each state behaves and how their shapes can change or stay the same.
6th Grade
States of Matter Anchor Chart 6th Grade Science Worksheet
Create a 4-page matter booklet with easy-to-follow take-home instructions and a grading rubric for teachers. A great resource for reinforcing concepts about matter in the classroom.
6th Grade
States of Matter Project 6th Grade Science Worksheet
This fun crossword puzzle teacher sixth grade students about the states of matter.
6th Grade
Matter Crossword Puzzle 6th Grade Science Worksheet

Human Body Articles

This worksheet is an easy-to-understand overview of the human digestive system and is accompanied by five comprehension questions to reinforce learning.
6th Grade
Article: Your Digestive System 6th Grade Science Worksheet
An article about the kidneys and their main functions, along with a comprehension worksheet to test understanding and reinforce key concepts pertaining to the human body.
6th Grade
Article: Your Kidneys 6th Grade Science Worksheet
This is a basic 6th grade article about the muscles of the human body and includes a set of reading questions to aid in review and reinforce students' learning.
6th Grade
Article: Your Muscles 6th Grade Science Worksheet
Discover an engaging article about the bones of the human body, complete with comprehension questions designed for 4th-grade science students.
6th Grade
Article: Your Bones 6th Grade Science Worksheet
This sixth grade science article explores the lifeforce of the human body - the heart! It includes reading comprehension questions to check understanding after finishing the passage.
6th Grade
Article: Your Heart 6th Grade Science Worksheet


Use this free 6th grade science worksheet to test various objects and determine if they are conductors of electricity or insulators. It's a hands-on activity to explore electrical properties that students will enjoy!
6th Grade
Conductors & Insulators Free 6th Grade Science Worksheet
Complete each sentence with the static electricity related work from the provided wordbox.
6th Grade
Static Electricity Worksheet 6th Grade Science Worksheet
Have 6th grade students answer the multiple choice questions about circuits and current electricity on this science worksheet. An answer key is provided for teachers.
6th Grade
Electricity Multiple Choice 6th Grade Science Worksheet
Test students' electricity and circuit knowledge by asking them to explain what is wrong with the electrical connections in three different scenarios.
6th Grade
Electrical Circuits 6th Grade Science Worksheet
In this interactive science activity for 6th graders, students draw arrows to trace the path of electricity in both series and parallel circuits.
6th Grade
Series & Parallel Circuits 6th Grade Science Worksheet

Rocks, Earth, and Natural Forces Articles

Learn how fossils form and why they are important in this informative article about plants and animals from thousands of years ago. Comprehension questions are included to reinforce learning.
6th Grade
Fossils Article & Questions 6th Grade Reading Comprehension Science Worksheet
Explore the concept of erosion with this comprehensive 6th-grade science worksheet designed to help students understand erosion. The worksheet includes short-answer questions, a vocabulary exercise, and a creative writing prompt.
6th Grade
Erosion Article 6th Grade Reading Comprehension Science Worksheet
Learn about the four different types of volcanoes and discover why volcanoes erupt using this informative passage that includes five reading comprehension questions.
6th Grade
Volcanoes Artilcle 6th Grade Science Worksheet
Mount St. Helens is one of the most famous volcanoes in the United States. This article provides an in-depth look at its history, and 6th graders can test their comprehension skills by answering the included questions.
6th Grade
Mount St. Helens Passage 6th Grade Reading Comprehension Science Worksheet
Learn all about tsunamis, their causes, and the role of tectonic plates in this sixth grade science article. It includes comprehension questions, vocabulary words, and a writing prompt to reinforce key concepts.
6th Grade
Tsunami Article 6th Grade Reading Comprehension Science Worksheet
More Matter

Access more science printables covering matter and its states to use with your students.

More Human Body Articles

Check out some of our human body based resources and printables for 6th grade science.

More Electricity

Check out printable sixth grade science resources about electricity, circuits, and more on this page.

Rocks, Earth, and Natural Forces Articles

Here is a variety of printable science PDFs about the eartn's rocks, minerals, landforms, and natural disasters.

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