Super Teacher Worksheets

Science: Rocks, Earth, and Volcanoes

A collection of printable science worksheets, articles, and activities for teaching students about volcanoes, rocks, and layers of the Earth.

Rock, Earth, and Volcano Worksheets

Rocks and Minerals

Learn about the three categories of rocks: igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary. How does each type of rock form? What are the characteristics of each? This file includes the article and comprehension questions.
3rd through 5th Grades
Article: Types of Rocks  Reading Comprehension Worksheet
Common Core
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Fossils can tell us a lot about plants and animals that lived thousands of years ago. Find out how fossils form and why they're important in this article. Comprehension questions are included.
6th and 7th Grades
Fossils: Clues to the Past Reading Comprehension Worksheet
Students will search the classroom for fun facts about rocks and minerals. When they find a fact, they record it on their question sheet.
3rd through 6th Grades
Classroom Scavenger Hunt: Rocks and Minerals Rocks Earth Worksheet
Look at the word box and find the rock or mineral names in the puzzle.
3rd through 5th Grades
Rocks and Minerals Word Search Wordsearch Worksheet
This article on Arches National Park in Utah discusses how the park's unique rock formations came to be over millions of years.
3rd Grade
Arches National Park Article 3rd Grade Reading Comprehension Worksheet

Layers of the Earth

An informative article on the layers of the Earth (crust, mantle, inner core, and outer core).  Includes comprehension questions.
3rd through 5th Grades
Layers of the Earth Article Free Rocks Earth Worksheet
Assemble a booklet that illustrates the four layers of planet Earth.  (Note:  This is a large file that may take a minute or two to download.)
Earth Layers - Cut, Color, Glue Rocks Earth Worksheet
Label the Earth's crust, mantle, inner core, and outer core.
Layers of the Earth - Label Picture Rocks Earth Worksheet
Wind your way through the word maze to reveal an interesting fact. Words include: crust, mantle, inner core, and outer core. Fact reads: The crust and top pat of the mantle are made of moving pieces called tectonic plates. Movements of these plates can cause earthquakes.
3rd through 6th Grades
Word-Maze Puzzle: Layers of Earth A Maze Ing Worksheet


This reading comprehension article and worksheet gives a great overview on the concept of erosion.
4th through 6th Grades
Erosion Article Reading Comprehension Worksheet


Discover why volcanoes erupt; learn the four different types of volcanoes; and read interesting volcano facts.  Includes five comprehension questions.
3rd through 5th Grades
Volcanoes Article Rocks Earth Worksheet
Read about Mount St. Helens and its famous volcanic eruption. Then answer reading comprehension questions about the article.
4th through 6th Grades
Mount St. Helens Article Reading Comprehension Worksheet
With this worksheet, students can search for the volcano-themed words hidden in the puzzle.
3rd through 5th Grades
Volcanoes Word Search Wordsearch Worksheet
Hide these cards around the room and have students search for them. When they find and read each card, they should be able to answer all of the questions on the worksheet.
3rd through 6th Grades
Volcanoes Scavenger Hunt Rocks Earth Worksheet
The Ring of Fire is an area of the earth that contains a large string of volcanoes and areas with major seismic activity. This map shows plates, trenches, volcanoes, rises, and ridges in the area.
Ring of Fire Map Rocks Earth Worksheet
This coloring page shows a volcano erupting. There are also palm trees around the volcano.
1st through 3rd Grades
Volcano Coloring Page Coloring Pages Worksheet


Here's a reading comprehension passage about tsunamis. It includes questions and a vocabulary activity.
4th through 6th Grades
Tsunami Article Reading Comprehension Worksheet

Sunrise & Sunset

Cut out the sun and the house scene. Attach the sun with a brass paper fastener. Move the sun from the east to the west as it rises and sets.
For best results, print on thick card stock.
Kindergarten to 3rd Grade
Sunrise and Sunset (Basic) Science Worksheet
See also:
Landform Worksheets

Learn about plains, plateaus, mountains, hills, islands, peninsulas, islands, and all types of landforms.

Space Printables

Worksheets for teaching kids about our solar system, planets, the moon and outer space.

Sample Worksheet Images

Rocks Worksheets and Activities - Scavenger Hunt

Types of Rocks Article - Reading Comprehension

Layers of Earth Worksheets

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