Phonics Digraph Sh
With these printable worksheets, games, word wheels, flashcards, and activities students will learn to read and write words that have the /sh/ sound.

This cut-and-glue activity has students cutting out the word boxes with SH words and gluing them to the matching picture.
1st Grade
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In this miniature book students will read about a girl who takes of her shoes, sees a shark, and goes to the shake shop.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Students will enjoy reading words with the SH digraph with this easy-to-assemble mini-book.
1st Grade
Use scissors to cut out the picture boxes and glue them to the appropriate column: SH words or other words.
1st Grade
Can you make the words "ship" and "sheep" with the letter boxes provided? Glue them in the spaces below the pictures.
1st Grade
This pennant activity has 15 printable pennants featuring words with the SH sound. They are to be cut out, colored, and strung up around the classroom for fun.
1st Grade
Write the missing letters in the boxes to complete the word and then write that word on the lines below.
1st Grade
Look at the pictures on this worksheet and writing the correct word for it on the lines using the word bank at the top of the page.
1st Grade
Color the four pictures, then trace the SH words along the dotted lines. Next, write the words on the primary-ruled lines.
1st Grade
Students will practice recognizing SH digraph words by drawing a line to match the picture to the matching word.
1st Grade
This worksheet has eight primary-ruled lines for students to think up and write all of the SH words they can think of.
1st Grade
Make a list of 24 words that has the sh sound at the beginning, another list of words that has sh in the middle, and a list that has sh at the end.
1st Grade
Review the sh- digraph with this anchor chart. It includes common words such as shell, fish, shovel, brush, sheep, shark, crash, and ship.
1st and 2nd Grades
This phonics printable has 36 (18 word and 18 picture) cards to cut out and use in different ways to practice learning words with the SH digraph.
1st Grade
Cut out these cards and sort them into three groups: SH, SN, and ST. Please be sure you select landscape mode when printing this file.
1st Grade
Students will take their scavenger hunt worksheet around the classroom to find the fifteen word cards that are hidden, and write the word they find on their sheet.
1st Grade
Cut out the word squares and arrange them into sentences. Use at least one SH word in each sentence and write the sentences down on the lines attached.
1st Grade
This phonics printable has 22 flashcards that can be cut out and used for practicing words with the SH digraph.
1st Grade
This fish-shaped word slider has two word strips. One of them has words that have the SH sound at the beginning of the word (ex. shark) and the other word strip has words with the SH sound at the end of the word (ex. wash).
1st Grade
Print out this phonics word wheel to practice reading words with the SH sound at the beginning of the word (ex. shell, sheep, short).
1st Grade
This word wheel is different from the first because it spins to reveal words with the SH sound at the end of the word (ex. wish, push, dish).
1st Grade
Color and create a mini-book that teaches students about the /ch/ and /sh/ sounds.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Sort the illustrations into two groups: Sh- words and Ch- words. Word list: shell, cheese, chicken, sheep, cherries, shoes, shark, chin, chess, shovel, chair, and ship.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Circle the word that names each picture. The write the word on the line. Items include: shell, chip, sheep, ship, and fish.
1st and 2nd Grades
Your students will have fun with this phonics scavenger hunt that features both words with a /ch/ sound and words with a /sh/ sound. Students will write the words they find on their worksheets as they search for the word cards.
1st Grade
Phonics Worksheets
Even more phonics worksheets. Covers consonant sounds, long and short vowels, diphthongs, digraphs, word families, word patterns, and more.
Mini-BooksThese super simple mini-books with basic letter sounds will help young students learn to read!