Super Teacher Worksheets

Early Reader Mini-Books

Several mini-books for early readers.  Each book includes eight illustrated pages.  Books are written at a kindergarten or first grade level. Check out the free class reading materials!

Phonics Mini-Books

Consonant Sounds

In this mini-book, students will read about a bat, a boy, a bug, a bed, a bike, a ball, and a baby.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Letter B Mini-Book Free Minibooks Worksheet
This mini-book features a cow, cup, cat, cap, can, cap, and cake.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Letter C Mini-Book Free Minibooks Worksheet
In this book, students will read about a dog, doll, duck, deer, dress, door, and a drum.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Letter D Mini-Book Minibooks Worksheet
This mini-book features a fox, fish, foot, fly, fan, farm, and frog.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Letter F Mini-Book Minibooks Worksheet
This book features pictures of glue, grass, a garden, and a girl.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Letter G Mini-Book Minibooks Worksheet
Read the words hat, ham, house, hand, and more.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Letter H Mini-Book Minibooks Worksheet
Read the story about a jet, jelly, jar, jeep, and jacket.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Letter J Mini-Book Minibooks Worksheet
This booklet includes the words kid, key, king, kite, and kitten.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Letter K Mini-Book Minibooks Worksheet
These 8 pages feature a log, leaf, lamp, lamb, lion, lock, and lizard.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Letter L Mini-Book Minibooks Worksheet
Mom, mug, mop,mess, mat, milk, and mug are all featured words in this marvelous little book.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Letter M Mini-Book Minibooks Worksheet
Do you see the net?  Do you see the nut?  How about the note?  The nest?
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Letter N Mini-Book Minibooks Worksheet
That is my pan.  That is my pet.  That is my pen.  That is my pool.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Letter P Mini-Book Minibooks Worksheet
The queen won't be quiet and the duck won't stop quacking!
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Letter Q Mini-Book Minibooks Worksheet
Do you like the rat?  Do you like the ring?  Do you like the rose?
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Letter R Mini-Book Minibooks Worksheet
I see the star and the sky.  I see the snow and the sled.  I see the snake and the sand.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Letter S Mini-Book Minibooks Worksheet
Here is my truck.  Here is my toy.  Here is my tent and my tree and my turtle.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Letter T Mini-Book Minibooks Worksheet
The van is over there.  The vase is over there.  The vet is over there.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Letter V Mini-Book Minibooks Worksheet
We see a web.  We see a wagon.  We see a wasp.  We see a wall. 
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Letter W Mini-Book Minibooks Worksheet
This is a box.  This is a fox.  This is an ax.  This is an ox.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Letter X Mini-Book Minibooks Worksheet
Have you seen my yo-yo?  Have you seen my yarn?  Have you seen my yard?
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Letter Y Mini-Book Minibooks Worksheet
Where is the zebra?  There is the zebra.  Where is the zoo?  There is the zoo.  Where is the zipper?
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Letter Z  Mini-Book Minibooks Worksheet

Consonant Digraphs

Chad and Chip are chipmunks.  They have a chat.  They play chess.  They play chase.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Chip and Chad (ch sound) Minibooks Worksheet
After taking off her shoes and walking on the shore, the main character goes to the shake shop.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
A Shake at the Shore (sh sound) Minibooks Worksheet

Consonant Blends

These berries are blue.  These berries are black.  A blue bird took my berries.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Blue and Black Berries (bl sound) Minibooks Worksheet
The snake sneaks through the grass and looks for a snack.  She snoops by the wood pile and hears a snap.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
The Snake (sn sound) Minibooks Worksheet
Steve is trying to fix Stacy's car.  The car won't start.  It will stop and steer, and it doesn't stall, but it won't start.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Car Won\'t Start (st sound) Minibooks Worksheet
This is a warm blanket. That block has letters on it. Blow out the candle. Complete the sentences with BL words, cut out the pages, and staple the mini book. Read aloud to practice words with BL consonant blends.
1st Grade
Mini-Book: Bl- Words Phonics Blends Worksheet
This is my brush. These are my bricks. This is my brain. Complete the sentences with BR words, cut out the pages, and staple the mini book. Read aloud to practice words with the BR consonant blend.
1st Grade
Mini-Book: Br- Words Phonics Blends Worksheet
What time is it? Look at the clock. I met a funny clown. I can clap my hands. Students complete sentences with CL words like these, cut and staple their mini book, and read it aloud.
1st Grade
Mini-Book: Cl- Words Phonics Blends Worksheet
The baby sleeps in the crib. At the beach, I saw a crab. The egg shell has a crack. Complete the sentences with CR- words. Cut out the pages and staple them together. Read your mini book out loud and practice your words with the CR consonant blend.
1st Grade
Mini-Books: Cr- Words  Phonics Blends Worksheet
My mom wore a pretty dress. My older brother can drive. She plays the drum in a band. These are examples of some of the sentences found in the mini-book featuring words with a DR consonant blend.
1st Grade
Mini-Book: Dr- Words Phonics Blends Worksheet
This is a slug. I will go down the slide. It's time for bed. Go to sleep. May I have a slice of pizza? These, plus other sentences, are included in the SL mini book.
1st Grade
Mini-Book: Sl- Words Phonics Blends Worksheet
I am eating a snack. That is a slow snail. In the grass, I saw a snake. Complete the sentences with a SN word. Cut out the pages and staple them together.
1st Grade
Mini-Book: Sn- Words Phonics Blends Worksheet
Sit on the stool. I have a stick. The flower has a long stem. Complete the sentences with ST words. Cut out and staple the pages. Read the mini book and practice words with the ST consonant blend.
1st Grade
Mini-Book: St- Words Phonics Blends Worksheet
The bird nest is in the tree. I want to drive a truck. Here comes a long train. Complete the sentences with a TR word. Cut out and staple the pages. Read the mini book and practice words with the TR consonant blend.
1st Grade
Mini-Book: Tr- Words Phonics Blends Worksheet

Word Family Mini-Books

Black, quack, and track are the ACK words featured in this Word Family mini-book. Print, cut, color, and assemble.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Mini-Book: -ack Words Word Families Worksheet
This fun mini-book has words that end with AD in it. Students will have fun practicing their word family words with these mini-books.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Mini-Book: -ad Words Word Families Worksheet
Print out this activity for students to learn more about words that end with AG. Wag, tag, and bag are the featured AG words in this mini-book.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Mini-Book: -ag Words Word Families Worksheet
Students will color in the pictures and write the AIL words on the lines. Next they will cut along the dotted lines and staple the pages together to form a mini-book of AIL words.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Mini-Book: -ail Words Word Families Worksheet
Practice words in the AIN word family with this fun, printable mini-book activity.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Mini-Book: -ain Words Word Families Worksheet
Print out this activity for students to practice words from the AKE word family.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Mini-Book: -ake Words Word Families Worksheet
Read about the tall giraffe, the small bee, and the dog with a ball in this mini-book of ALL words.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Mini-Book: -all Words Word Families Worksheet
This printable word family activity is a mini-book your students can put together and learn about words that end with AM.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Mini-Book: -am Words Word Families Worksheet
Pan, man, and van are the AN words featured in this word family mini-book.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Mini-Book: -an Words Word Families Worksheet
"We play in the sand. I have 5 fingers on my hand. We play in a band." The featured words in this mini-book all end with AND.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Mini-Book: -and Words Word Families Worksheet
Students can review words that end with AP on this printable word family activity.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Mini-Book: -ap Words Word Families Worksheet
Cat, mat, and hat are the AT words featured in this word family mini-book activity.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Mini-Book: -at Words Word Families Worksheet
"Kate can skate. Kate can open the gate. Kate is late." The featured words in this mini-book all end with ATE.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Mini-Book: -ate Words Word Families Worksheet
Print out this word-family activity so your students can cut, color and assemble them and learn more about words that end with AW.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Mini-Book: -aw Words Word Families Worksheet
Students will have fun with this printable to learn about AY words. Day, play, stay, lay, play, clay, may, and hay are the featured AY words in this mini-book.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Mini-Book: -ay Words Word Families Worksheet
This fun word family activity is an easy to assemble mini-book featuring words that end with EAL.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Mini-Book: -eal Words Word Families Worksheet
The words in this mini-book all end with EAR and have the "eer" sound to them (ex. hear, dear, near).
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Mini-Book: -ear Words (\'eer\' sound) Word Families Worksheet
What should I wear? Should I wear a shirt with a bear? Should I wear a shirt with a pear? The featured words in this mini-book end with EAR and have an 'air' sound.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Mini-book: -ear Words (\'air\' sound) Word Families Worksheet
Students will read about words in the EAT word family in this mini-book. Featured words include: treat, seat, meat, and eat.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Mini-book: -eat Words Word Families Worksheet
This printable word family activity has students coloring and assembling a mini-book of words ending with ED.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Mini-book: -ed Words Word Families Worksheet
Students will practice reading and writing words that end with EEL on this printable word family activity.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Mini-book: -eel Words Word Families Worksheet
This is a printable phonics mini-book featuring words that end with "-eep": sweep, sleep, and beep.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Mini-book: -eep Words Word Families Worksheet
This mini-book highlights words that end with EET. Let's walk down the street. Do you see that bird? Tweet! Tweet! There are nice people to meet.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Mini-book: -eet Words Word Families Worksheet
Practicing words in the ELL word family is fun with this printable phonics activity.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Mini-book: -ell Words Word Families Worksheet
Print out this phonics word family mini-book that highlight words that end with EN for your students to review.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Mini-book: -en Words Word Families Worksheet
Print out this worksheet to make a mini-book containing "-end" words. Friend, pretend, and send are the featured words in this book.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Mini-book: -end Words Word Families Worksheet
Print, cut, color, and assemble this basic mini-book which contains words from the "-ent" word family.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Mini-book: -ent Words Word Families Worksheet
Jet, wet, vet, and pet are all words from the ET word family featured in this mini-book.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Mini-book: -et Words Word Families Worksheet
Have your students cut apart this book along the dotted lines and then color it. Then staple it together to practice reading words in the IG family.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Mini-book: -ig Words Minibooks Worksheet
Learn more about words that end with OAT with this printable phonics mini-book. Words include: boat, moat, oat, coat, float, and goat.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Mini-book: -oat Words Minibooks Worksheet


Read about three friends: Rat, Cat and Pat.  Rat and cat sit on a comfy mat, then they sit in a hat.  They find they're most comfortable when they sit on Pat.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Short A Mini-Book: Rat, Cat, and Pat Free Minibooks Worksheet
Kay-Kay! is a story about a young horse.  There are plenty of easy-to-read long a words, like play, say, way, and hay.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Long A Mini-Book : Kay-Kay Free Minibooks Worksheet
Read about the adventures of Jen.  First, Jen chases butterflies with her net.  Then it rains and she gets wet.  Then she lays in a tent.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Short E Mini-Book: Jen Free Minibooks Worksheet
Do you see the bee? The bee is in a tree.  The bee is on a seed.  The bee in on a leaf.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Long E Mini-Book : Buzz, Buzz, Bee Minibooks Worksheet
In this short i book, you'll read about Big Pig.  First, Big Pig digs a hole.  Then he puts on a wig.  And he even dances a jig. 
Short I Mini-Book: Big Pig Minibooks Worksheet
In this long i book, a girl lies to her mom about eating pie, cries when she hurts her arm, and needs help tying her shoe.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Long I Mini-Book : Mom & I Minibooks Worksheet
In this short o book, Fox hops in a box, then on mom, and then in a pot. 
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Short O Mini-Book : Fox Minibooks Worksheet
In this long o book, a boy rows his boat.  When he drops his oar in the water, he needs a tow.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Long O Mini-Book : Row, the Boat Minibooks Worksheet
Run, Bug!  Run! is a cute story about a bug who runs away from the rug (because a vacuum is coming), runs away from a mug (because he doesn't want to be swallowed), and runs away from the tub (because the water is turned on). 
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Short U Mini-Book : Run Bug! Run! Minibooks Worksheet
In this long u book, a boy uses his crayons to draw a unicorn, the USA, and a cube.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Long U Mini-Book : Using My Crayons Minibooks Worksheet

Silent e

Two friends will bake a cake for Mike's birthday. Silent-e words include: bake, cake, smoke, nose, and face.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Silent E Mini-Book: Let\'s Bake a Cake Minibooks Worksheet

r-Controlled Vowels

We get into the car.  We drive too far.  Let's follow the star.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
The Car That Went Too Far (ar Sound) Minibooks Worksheet

Vowel Diphthongs

Find words with -ow- and -ou- in this easy-to-read, eight-page minibook. Words include, "cloud, cow, round, brown, flower, loud, and owl. Students can color the pictures and read the book.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Mini-Book: The Clouds Minibooks Worksheet

Vowel Digraphs

I run free down the street. It's hot. I need to beat the heat. I meet a friend and we leap into the sea.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Beat the Heat (ea and ee) Minibooks Worksheet
The moon comes out too soon!  When I look out of my room, I see that the moon is out at noon.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Moon at Noon (oo Sound) Minibooks Worksheet
Mr. Goat puts his boat in the moat.  His boat will not float.  He plugs the hole with his coat.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Float Your Boat (oa Sound) Minibooks Worksheet

Community Helpers

Who is this? This is the police officer? Who is this? This is the bus driver. Who is this? This is the doctor. Who is this? This is my teacher.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Community Helpers Mini-Book Minibooks Worksheet
Color the cute pictures, cut out the pages, and create your own book about riding the bus.
Pre-K through 1st Grade
Bus Driver Community Helpers Worksheet
Color, cut, and attach the pages to make this mini-book about what a chef does.
Pre-K through 1st Grade
Chef Community Helpers Worksheet
Learn about some of the items construction workers use with this mini-book.
Pre-K through 1st Grade
Construction Worker Community Helpers Worksheet
Learn what it's like to visit the dentist with this informative mini-book.
Pre-K through 1st Grade
Dentist Community Helpers Worksheet
This is a fun, hands-on way to help students learn about the doctor.
Pre-K through 1st Grade
Doctor Community Helpers Worksheet
Learn about what a firefighter does with this mini-book designed for early readers.
Pre-K through 1st Grade
Firefighter Community Helpers Worksheet
Create a book about the very person who helps you find books--the librarian!
Pre-K through 1st Grade
Librarian Community Helpers Worksheet
Students will use this book to learn about mail carriers while answering the questions what and who do you see?
Pre-K through 1st Grade
Mail Carrier Community Helpers Worksheet
Learn about the important work nurses do with this engaging project.
Pre-K through 1st Grade
Nurse Community Helpers Worksheet
Learn about plumbers with this fun activity that involves coloring, cutting, and reading.
Pre-K through 1st Grade
Plumber Community Helpers Worksheet
Color the police car, siren, badge, and people to make your own unique mini-book on police officers. Read the sentences to learn about what a police officer does.
Pre-K through 1st Grade
Police Officer Community Helpers Worksheet
Have your students color and assemble the pages of this book to help them learn about what teachers do.
Pre-K through 1st Grade
Teacher Community Helpers Worksheet

Themed Mini-Books

Help the zookeeper find the seal. This is an easy-to-read story with repetitive sight words.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Time to Feed the Seal! Minibooks Worksheet
I see a sheep. Baa. Baa. I see a duck. Quack. Quack. I see a pig. Oink. Oink.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Farm Minibooks Worksheet
This little book has pictures of a fish, shark, dolphin, hermit carb, sea turtle, and whale.
Pre-K through 1st Grade
Ocean Life Worksheet
This book helps students learn about proper nutrition. On each page, students tell whether the illustration shows a healthy or unhealthy snack.
Snack Healthy Nutrition Worksheet
This short mini book tells children about the words "Please," "Thank You," and "I'm sorry."
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Manners Minibooks Worksheet


Color and count the pumpkins on each page of the book. Then cut and assemble.
Halloween: Count the Pumpkins Fall Worksheet
Color, cut, assemble, and read the book. Color the pumpkin orange. Color the pumpkin red. Color the pumpkin green. Etc.
Pre-K through 1st Grade
Halloween: Color the Pumpkins  Fall Worksheet
Here is a cute counting booklet for students to color, assemble, and read.
Pre-K through 1st Grade
Thanksgiving: My Little Thanksgiving Book (Counting) Worksheet
Here is a simple book about Santa to read with your students during the holiday season.
Pre-K through 1st Grade
Christmas: My Little Christmas Book Worksheet
Even the youngest students can learn to read this repetitive book about bunnies.
Pre-K through 1st Grade
Easter: My Bunny Book Worksheet


Count the leaves on each page of this mini-book. Pages say: I see three leaves. I see five leaves. Etc.
Pre-K through 1st Grade
Fall: Count the Leaves Worksheet
Color the leaves and assemble the mini-book.
Pre-K through 1st Grade
Fall:  Color the Leaves Worksheet
It's the perfect winter's day! Children will color and cut out the pages of the mini book and staple them together. They can read the book aloud to a teacher, a family member, or a friend.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Winter: My Warm Winter Day  Minibooks Worksheet


Make your own eight page mini-books with this blank template.
Blank Mini-Book Template Phonics Worksheet

See Also:

Phonics Worksheets

We have hundreds of basic phonics worksheets, including worksheets for consonant sounds, vowel sounds, consonant blends, digraphs, and diphthongs.

First Grade Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension stories for first grade readers

Printing Letters

Manuscript handwriting worksheets for each letter of the alphabet.

Dolch Sight Words

Printable flash cards, activities, and word wheels for  sight words

Sample Worksheet Images

Phonics Mini-book: Long A

Mini Book Kindergarten

Mini Book Kids - Snack Healthy

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