Phonics: Consonant Digraph ck
Use these phonics worksheets to teach students about the consonant digraph -ck. This digraph is found in words like duck, lock, truck, clock, stick, bucket, and jacket.

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This worksheet includes six pictures of words that end with the CK digraph. Find the word in the word bank at the top of the page and write it on the ruled lines.
1st Grade
With this worksheet, students can color the pictures, trace the words along the dotted lines, and practice their handwriting by rewriting the word on the primary-ruled lines.
1st Grade
Students can use this worksheet to keep track of words they've found that end in /ck/ and have /ck/ in the middle.
1st Grade
Reference common ck- words with this anchor chart. Included words are: puck, track, rock, duck, sick, truck, sock, and sack.
1st and 2nd Grades
Print out this activity and have students complete a fun scavenger hunt to reinforce their knowledge of ck words.
1st Grade
Students can cut out the words and arrange them to make sentences with /ck/ words. Then they can write the sentences on the lines provided.
1st Grade
There are many uses for these flashcards, which feature words that end in the phonics digraph /ck/.
1st Grade
This duck-shaped word slider provides a fun way to practice words with the consonant digraph ck.
1st Grade
Have students put together this word wheel and spin it to view words that ending with the letters ck.
1st Grade
Cut out the pictures and place them in the appropriate column based on whether they have the vowel digraph ck or ch.
1st Grade
Check out our full collection of phonics worksheets.
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