5th Grade Common Core: RI.5.10
Common Core Identifier: RI.5.10 / Grade: 5
Curriculum: Reading Informational: Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
Detail: By the end of the year, read and comprehend informational texts, including history/social studies, science, and technical texts, at the high end of the grades 4-5 text complexity band independently and proficiently.
111 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Over ten pages of hurricane information and comprehension questions. Use part or all of this amazing resource.
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Penguins FREE
Learn about two different penguin species - the Emperor penguin and the Galapagos penguin. One of them lives in frigid Antarctica. The other lives on the tropical Equator.
Cheetahs are the fastest land animals in the world, but even cheetahs have to be on the lookout for other predators.
Find out why people play jokes and pull pranks on each other every April 1st.
Read about the 9,000-year history of pumpkin pie. Approximately 4th grade reading level.
(Approx. Grade Levels: 4-5)
(Approx. Grade Levels: 4-5)
Rattlesnakes are efficient predators, but they can also be prey to larger, desert-dwelling animals. They use their rattle to warn predators of their venom.
Biographical overview of Martin Luther King's life. Approximately 4th-5th grade reading level.
Another basic article about the three states of matter, with a set of comprehension questions.
An Atom Apart FREE
A scientific article about atoms, the building blocks for molecules and everything that's made of matter
A short, biographical passage about women's rights' activist and founder of Chicago's Hull House, Jane Addams.
The desert tortoise lives in the Mojave and Sonoran Desert of the southwestern USA. They get most of their water from food and can live over 50 years.
Read about the strange and unusual fathers in Greek mythology, including Uranus, Cronus, Zeus, and Heracles.
A sensitive plant is a unique houseplant that can instantly fold up its leaves when it is touched.
There are nearly a thousand different species of bat in the world today. Most eat insects or fruit, but there is one type- the vampire bat- that drinks blood.
(Approx. Grade Levels: 3-5)
(Approx. Grade Levels: 3-5)
Orcas, or killer whales, are known as wolves of the sea because of their hunting practices.
Why isn't Pluto considered a planet any more? Find out by reading this article about dwarf planets.
The green anaconda is the largest snake in the world! It lives in South American swamps, weighs 500 pounds and eats pigs, deer, and even jaguars!
Make a 4-page matter booklet; Includes take-home instructions and a grading rubric for teachers.
Read about Louisa May Alcott, author of Little Women, and answer the comprehension questions.
How do zebras protect themselves from predators? They run, kick, and bite. They even sleep standing up so they're ready to run at any sign of danger.
Learn about one of the rainforest's most colorful birds, the Hoatzin.
Learn about a variety of invasive algae that is taking over sea floors and killing sea life.
Mandrills, with their bright blue and red noses, are perhaps the most colorful mammals in the world.
Discover how llamas are helpful to people by providing transportation, wool, and meat. They also assist sheep dogs in herding sheep.
Look out! The world's second largest, and most ferocious shark may be swimming in an ocean near you.
Did you know that all peacocks are male? Female peacocks are called peahens. In this article students will learn many fascinating facts about peafowl.
Learn about the armored mammals called armadillos, which can be found in various areas throughout North and South America.
Spitting to Survive FREE
Find out how llamas, archer fish, cobras, and humans use their spit to help them survive. Then, answer the comprehension questions that go along with the article.
A challenging article describing how the human body's immune system works.
Echidnas are one of only two mammals they lay eggs. Females also have a pouch to carry their babies, just like kangaroos.
Learn about the four layers on the rainforest- the emergent layer, the canopy, the understory, and the floor.
Did you know that a seahorse can't swim well and it can actually die of exhaustion in rough water? Learn many seahorse facts in this article.
A toucan's colorful bill is certainly beautiful, but did you know that it also helps the toucan in many ways?
Hyenas are neither cats nor dogs, but in a family all their own. These fierce scavengers gobble up leftovers left by other animals.
Jim describes the many fascinating duties of his job as a railway mechanic.
John Muir was a wilderness conservationist who lived in the 1800s. This fascinating article describes his writings, his political influence, and his role in history. (biography)
The kiwi is an unusual bird with a long beak, no tail, and long legs. There are five species of kiwis and none of them can fly.
A short passage about the importance of our country's Founding Fathers
Learn about the gas giants that can be found beyond the asteroid belt.
Lurking in the deserts of the Southwestern United States is a colorful monster with a forked tongue, big head, and powerful claws.
An amazing article about your brain, plus a series of seven reading comprehension questions to go with the article.
Matter Article FREE
Article on the properties of matter and the differences between solids, liquids, and gases. Includes fill-in-the-blanks question worksheet.
Jason wants to hear all about Grandpa Bill's job in the Army during the Vietnam War. When Grandpa Bill shares his experiences, Jason learns that his Grandpa is a war hero!
An article about Lewis Carroll's inspiration for writing
Did you know the peregrine falcon can dive up to 200 miles per hour and hunt prey at speeds of up to 70 miles per hour? Learn more fascinating facts about the peregrine falcon in this article geared toward a fifth grade reading level. Comprehension activities included.
This short biographical passage will help students learn about George Washington, and why he decided to lead the American army in the War for Independence.
Learn all about moose, the world's largest deer, in this fascinating reading comprehension article, complete with comprehension questions, vocabulary words, and a writing prompt. An answer key is included.
Students can read all about these interesting animals and then test their understanding of the article by answering the reading comprehension questions.
This article has facts about the coast redwood and giant sequoia trees of California. Test your students' comprehension of the article by having them complete the reading comprehension questions, vocabulary activity, and writing prompt.
This non-fiction article explains how Navajo secret agents helped the US Marines during World War II.
Orville and Wilbur Wright were two American brothers who invented and flew the first motorized airplane in the world. In 1903, this historic flight took place in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.
Learn how a rainbow forms in the sky. Basic introduction to the spectrum of light and light concepts. Reading comprehension questions, vocabulary words, and a writing prompt are included.
Students will read this article on the executive branch of the United States government and how it plays a part in the system of checks and balances. Then they'll answer questions to test their understanding of the article.
This scavenger hunt activity includes 18 cards that can be cut out and hidden around the room. Students will look for the cards and use the information on them to answer the questions on their worksheet.
Learn about these white, furry hunters that make their home in the frozen tundra. You'll be amazed at the ways an arctic fox is adapted to live in its freezing environment.
Learn what it was like to live in ancient China in this fifth grade nonfiction article.
Julia Child was a famous French chef who wrote several cookbooks and went on to become a television star.
Learn all about the very loud howler monkey in this reading comprehension article. This worksheet includes comprehension questions, vocabulary identification, and a writing prompt.
Did you know that not all brown bears are actually brown? Learn how you can identify a brown bear in the wild and other interesting facts in this reading activity. This worksheet includes comprehension questions, vocabulary words, and a writing prompt.
This article gives an overview of the U.S. government's executive branch. The worksheet includes comprehension questions, a vocabulary activity, and a writing prompt.
This article tells about the group of students who fought for integration in Arkansas in 1957, and the strength, courage, and determination they showed in the face of adversity. After the article, students can answer questions, complete a vocabulary activity, and respond to a writing prompt.
These cute birds make their home off the coasts of the northeastern U.S. and Canada. They live in colonies ranging from hundreds to hundreds of thousands. Learn more interesting facts about these fascinating sea birds! Activity includes reading comprehension questions, a writing prompt, and vocabulary words.
What is the Bill of Rights? Learn all about the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution, also known as the Bill of Rights, in this fifth grade-level reading comprehension activity.
Have you ever heard of the blue-tongued skink? This unusual Australian animal is surprisingly gentle and can even regrow its own tail! Find out more about this amazing reptile in this reading comprehension article. Worksheet includes multiple choice questions, vocabulary words, and a writing prompt.
Learn all about the Florida panther, Florida's official state animal, with this reading comprehension passage and worksheet. The worksheet includes a vocabulary activity, a writing prompt, and several short answer and multiple choice questions.
Get to know the judicial branch and how it checks and balances and is checked and balanced with this article. Reading comprehension questions, a vocabulary activity, and a writing prompt are included.
Print out this scavenger hunt to have your students complete a fun, interactive, and educational activity. They'll read interesting facts about Greek mythology and then answer questions to test their comprehension of what they read.
Find out fascinating facts about these furry mammals in Asia. Students will discover interesting information about this endangered species.
Learn about what it is like to go to school in China in this fifth grade nonfiction article.
One of the most well-known U.S. landmarks, the Statue of Liberty was a gift to the American people from France.
Did you ever wonder what those funny little meerkats are doing when they stand up straight and tall? Discover the answer and many other interesting facts about meerkats in this reading comprehension article.
Learn all about reindeer in this intriguing article that explains the difference between the terms "reindeer" and "caribou" and describes what reindeer are like in the wild. Comprehension questions and vocabulary activity are included.
Learn about the United States judicial branch with this article and reading comprehension worksheet.
Read about the cemetery that is the resting place of Presidents Taft and Kennedy, as well as home to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Five reading comprehension questions follow this short article.
Did you know giant anteaters are one of the few mammals with no teeth? Learn a variety of interesting facts about giant anteaters in this fifth grade science article.
This short article highlights the achievements of Susan La Flesche Picotte, the first Native American woman to earn a medical degree.
Learn all about one of the animals that symbolizes the United States of America: the American Bison! Discover the differences between bison and buffalo, and find out what makes the American Bison unique. Comprehension questions are included.
This article makes an interesting supplement for teaching about World War I. Students will learn about how horses helped during the war and why they were important. Then they'll answer reading comprehension questions to test their recall and understanding of important details.
Have you ever heard of the pangolin? This unusual little animal is the scaliest mammal in the world! Yes, that's right! These mammals have scales! Learn all about pangolins in this fifth grade level reading comprehension activity.
Learn about how knitting helped soldiers during the First World War. Following the article, there are multiple choice questions, matching questions, and a writing section.
Learn all about incredible rhinos in this reading comprehension article. Short answer comprehension questions, vocabulary words, and a writing prompt are included.
This short article briefly explains the history of Juneteenth. Then there are four reading comprehension questions for students to answer.
Learn all about the world's largest animal with this article on the blue whale. Reading comprehension questions are included, as well as a vocabulary crossword and writing prompt.
Learn all about the clever octopus in this nonfiction science article targeted toward a fifth-grade reading level!
Louisa May Alcott is the American author who wrote the Little Women book series.
Learn how chewing gum and bubble gum was invented with this article.
Help your students understand the duties of the legislative branch with this reading comprehension article and worksheet.
Help your students gain a deeper understanding of a major turning point of World War II by having them read this article and complete the worksheet that goes with it.
Have you ever seen a banana slug? These mollusks really do look exactly like the fruit they're named after! Learn interesting facts about banana slugs in this animal article. Includes comprehension questions, vocabulary words, and a writing prompt.
With this reading comprehension activity, you can learn all about the life of America's 16th president, Abraham Lincoln.
Learn about China's beloved and endangered bear. Reading comprehension questions are included.
Students can read this article about the Day of the Dead and answer the reading comprehension questions. The worksheet includes a crossword vocabulary activity and a writing prompt.
Learn the difference between renewable and non-renewable resources in this nonfiction science article.
Lungfish have the ability to survive in hot, dry climates. They have the ability to go into a dormant stage called estivation, and they have lungs that allow them to breathe air.
Learn about this fascinating marsupial from Down Under! The article includes reading comprehension questions, a writing prompt, and vocabulary words.
This article tells all about temperate forests. Reading comprehension questions include a writing prompt, completing a diagram, multiple choice, and more.
Read about the flowers commonly seen on Memorial Day and Veterans Day. The worksheet includes a short article and 6 reading comprehension questions.
Learn all about China in this fascinating article about the country with the largest population on earth!
Sojourner Truth FREE
Sojourner Truth was was an American abolitionist and women’s rights activist. She was also the first black woman to win a lawsuit against a white man.
The Visayan warty pig is wild pig that is native to the Visayan Islands of the Philippines. It is one of the world's most endangered animals.
Did you know there are almost 2,000 different species of scorpions? Learn this and other fun facts about scorpions in this nonfiction article. Article includes comprehension questions, vocabulary words, and a writing prompt.
Teach your students about the legislative branch of the United States government with this reading comprehension passage and worksheet.
Read all about the world's tallest flying bird in this full-length article. Then complete six comprehension questions, a vocabulary activity, and maybe even the optional research writing prompt.
Learn all about majestic wolves in this reading comprehension activity. You'll discover why wolves howl and where they live, plus a lot more. This printable reading activity includes comprehension questions, vocabulary terms, and a writing prompt. An answer key is also included.
Learn all about the Constitution of the United States in this fifth grade-level social studies article.
This article tells the story of Lieutenant Gail Halvorsen, AKA Uncle Wiggly Wings, an air force pilot who dropped candy to the children of Berlin after World War II. The worksheet includes reading comprehension questions, a vocabulary exercise, and a writing prompt.
Learn about the three categories of rocks: igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary. How does each type of rock form? What are the characteristics of each? Find out these answers and more in this science article.
Did you know that designing and building a bridge involves math, science, architecture, and design skills? Learn about the three main types of bridges, arch, suspension, and beam bridges, in this fascinating article! Activity includes vocabulary words, a writing prompt, and comprehension questions.