Super Teacher Worksheets

6th Grade Common Core: 6.EE.8

Common Core Identifier: 6.EE.8 / Grade: 6
Curriculum: Expressions And Equations: Reason About And Solve One-Variable Equations And Inequalities.
Detail: Write an inequality of the form x > c or x < c to represent a constraint or condition in a real-world or mathematical problem. Recognize that inequalities of the form x > c or x < c have infinitely many solutions; represent solutions of such inequalities on number line diagrams.
29 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
A page of single variable, intermediate-level inequalities with a multiplication or division fact on one side of the inequality. The multiplication and division include decimals, fractions, and negative numbers.
Common Core
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This page features two solve and graph problems, as well as a word problem. With the word problem, students must write and solve an inequality based on the situation described. They will graph the inequality too.
A page of one-step intermediate-level inequalities with a multiplication or division fact on the same side of the inequality as the variable. The multiplication and division include decimals, fractions, and negative numbers.
Students must find and graph solutions to single variable inequalities. Uses negative numbers, fractions, decimals, and operators.
Solve each inequality and select the answers that are in the solution set. This version includes fractions and decimals.
Rewrite each sentence as an inequality in standard mathematical form. (example: x is at least 20.)
This printable file has an explanation and example of how to solve and graph an inequality with negative numbers, fractions, or decimals. Students can refer back to the example when solving the eight problems on their own.
Students graph the basic, single-variable inequalities. All inequalities on this worksheet have addition or subtraction on one side of the inequality.
On this worksheet, students will find and graph solutions to basic, single variable inequalities. All problems have only positive, whole numbers.
Practice solving two-step inequalities with this printout. It includes an example and 10 problems.
Write an inequality to represent each of the situations described on the page. They are all single-variable inequalities.
Students solve and graph basic, single variable inequalities. All problems have only positive, whole numbers. Less examples than the Introduction worksheet.
Determine which numbers are in the solution set for each inequality. Circle the correct choices. This version includes only positive numbers.
Rewrite each statement as an inequality with a variable. (example: z is not more than 3.14.)
At the top of the page is an example and explanation of how to solve two-step inequalities and graph them. Reference this while solving and graphic the other eight problems.
A set of single-variable, basic inequalities for students to graph on a number line. All the inequalities feature multiplication or division on one side of the inequality.
Rewrite each phrase as an inequality in standard algebraic form. (example: The product of 6 and x is greater than or equal to 48.)
With this worksheet, students will practice a variety of skills involving two-step inequalities. They'll solve and graph, circle values that satisfy the inequality, and complete a word problem.
A set of one-step, basic inequalities for students to graph on a number line. All the inequalities feature multiplication or division on the same side of the inequality as the variable.
Solve and graph these 2-step inequalities. As intermediate level problems, they include negative numbers, decimals, and fractions.
On this page, students will solve the 2-step inequalities and then circle the possible values that satisfy each inequality.
Intermediate, single-variable inequalities are graphed on a number line. This worksheet includes only addition or subtraction on one side of the inequality. Negative numbers, decimals, and fractions are included.
Rewrite each inequality in standard form. (example: The sum of -7.8 and x is less than 42.)
On this worksheet, students will solve and graph two inequalities with negative numbers or decimals. They will also write and solve an inequality based on a word problem and then graph the solution.
Intermediate, one-step inequalities are graphed on a number line. This worksheet includes only addition or subtraction on the same side of the inequality as the variable. Negative numbers, decimals, and fractions are included
With this worksheet, students will solve the two-step inequalities and then graph them on the number line to the right.
Like the Introduction worksheet, students graph inequalities that use negative numbers, decimals, fractions, and operators, but with less examples.
Decide which answers fit into the solution set for each number sentence.
Solve the inequality and circle the numbers that are in the solution set. This version includes only whole numbers.
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