6th Grade Common Core: 6.EE.3
Common Core Identifier: 6.EE.3 / Grade: 6
Curriculum: Expressions And Equations: Apply And Extend Previous Understandings Of Arithmetic To Algebraic Expressions.
Detail: Apply the properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions.
13 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Use this worksheet to help students practice combining like terms in algebraic expressions with both addition and subtraction.
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Play this fun and engaging game with your students to have them practice finding equivalent expressions.
For each of these task cards, students will answer a question about equivalent expressions. Some require distributive property, some do not.
Combine the like terms to create an equivalent expression. These expressions include addition, subtraction, and exponents.
Use your knowledge of the distributive property to find equivalent expressions.
ex: 5(4y+6) = 5(4y) + 5(6) = 20y+30
ex: 5(4y+6) = 5(4y) + 5(6) = 20y+30
Combine like terms to simplify each expression. This basic level includes only addition (no subtraction).
With this worksheet, students will determine which four expressions are equivalent and circle the one that is not. Students may need to simplify expressions, use the distributive property, or combine like terms to find the correct answers.
Use the distributive property to find equivalent expressions. In this intermediate-level worksheets, students are simplifying expressions with parenthesis.
ex: 5(3a-5) = 24a-40
ex: 5(3a-5) = 24a-40
Combine like terms to generate a new algebraic expression. This advanced version includes addition, subtraction, and exponents.
Here is another worksheet to use for practice combining like terms for basic algebraic expressions.
Match the equivalent expressions by combining like terms, simplifying, or using the distributive property.
Cut out the cards. Students match equivalent expressions. These cards include some that require students to use the distributive property and some that do not.
Create new expressions by combining like terms. This is an advanced-level worksheet.