Super Teacher Worksheets

Word Family Unit (-op Words)

This word family unit features several -op words, including: flop, chop, mop, hop, stop, shop, drop, top, crop, and pop. Activities include a word wheel, a word slider, flash cards, and a trace-and-write worksheet.

Word Family Worksheets -op


Color in "-op". Color the shapes containing "-op" words. Write the word ending with "-op" on the lines to match the illustration. Fill in the words into the tall/short word boxes.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Worksheet 1 (-op Words) Free Word Families Worksheet
Finish this phonics worksheet to learn about words that end with "-op".
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Worksheet 2 (-op Words) Word Families Worksheet
Cut out the word boxes on the bottom and glue them below the corresponding picture.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Cut and Glue (-op) Word Families Worksheet
Cut out these word cards and use them to make sentences using at least one "-op" word in each one. Write your sentences on the lined paper.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Make Sentences: Word Cards (-op) Word Families Worksheet
Have your students look at each picture to see which letter is missing for each word.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Missing Letters (-op) Word Families Worksheet
Figure out what the missing first letters are for each "-op" word.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Missing Initial Sounds (-op) Word Families Worksheet
Color the letter circles to form the word shown in the image and then write the word on the lines.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Color the Letters & Write (-op) Word Families Worksheet
Find and circle the "-op" word in each row of letters.
1st Grade
Circle the Words (-op) Word Families Worksheet
Conjure six words that end with "-op" and write them on the lines. Pictures of a mop, a bunny hopping, and a police officer will help hint to the words.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Word Web (-op) Word Families Worksheet
This worksheet will help students to practice writing words in the "-op" word family.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Trace and Write (-op) Word Families Worksheet
With room for up to 8 words, use this worksheet to write as many "-op" words you can think of.
1st Grade
Brainstorm and Write (-op) Word Families Worksheet
Children can use an ink pad and letter stampers to make the words: stop, top, crop, mop, and flop.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Letter Stampers Activity (-op Words)  Word Families Worksheet

Word Games

This is a 2-player memory matching card game will have your students recognizing and reading -op words.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Memory Match Game (-op) Word Families Worksheet
Put together this word spinner and use it to play phonics word games. Includes words: chop, mop, shop, stop, drop, hop, top, and crop.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Word Spinner (-op) Word Families Worksheet

Word Slider, Flashcards, and Word Wheel

Cut out and assemble this apple-shaped word slider for the -op word family unit. Click on the ALT button for a full-color version of the word slider.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Word Slider (-op Words) Word Families Worksheet
Download and print these pages to cut out 10 different flashcards for the
-op word family unit.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Flashcards (-op) Word Families Worksheet
Print and cut out the word wheel. Attach the two pieces together with a brass paper fastener. Spin the wheel to view the words ending with -op.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Word Wheel (-op Words) Phonics Worksheet

See Also:

List of Word Family Units

This page has a complete list of all of our word family units, including: -ag,
-ake, -ate, -ay, -eat, -eel, -ell, -ick, -ime,
-it, -ow, -ub, -ump, and -unk.

Short - O Printable Worksheets

This page contains many phonics activities and worksheets that you can download and print to learn about words with a short-o sound.

Sample Worksheet Images

-Op Words Review Cards

Write -Op Words Printable

Word Family -op Words Cut and Glue Activity

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