Word Family Unit (-ab Words)
This word family unit features words ending in -ab such as dab, jab, grab, gab, scab, cab, crab, slab, blab, and lab.

This mini-book includes the words crab, lab, and cab. Students can write the words and color the pictures. Then, with the help of an adult, they can cut out the pages and staple the book together.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
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In this worksheet, students will have to discern the -ab words from other words, write two -ab words on primary lines, and figure out which words fit in the given boxes.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
On this worksheet, students will color in words and pictures that end in -ab. They will also write three -ab words on primary lines.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Hidden in each row of jumbled-up letters is an -ab word shown by the picture at the start of the row. Students will find and circle each word.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Each word is missing one of its letters. Students will fill in the missing letter and rewrite the word on the primary line provided.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
The words on this page are missing their beginning sounds. Students will fill in the missing letters and rewrite the words.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
The boxes on this page have circles with letters in them. Some of the letters spell the -ab words shown by picture. The others are distractors. Students should color in the correct letters and then write the word on the line.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
With this fun printout students can cut out word cards and rearrange them on a flat surface to make complete sentences. Given -ab words are cab, lab, crab, and grab.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Trace and write the -ab words on the primary lines. Color in the pictures too! The words on this printable page are: cab, dab, lab, and crab.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Cut out the six -ab words at the bottom of this page. Then glue them below the correct picture. Words include dab, crab, lab, grab, cab, and jab.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
How many -ab words can you come up with? If you fill up all the lines on the page, you can write even more on the back!
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Students can write 6 -ab words on the primary lines in this word web. You can challenge them to write even more on the back of the page.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Get out the letter stampers and have your kids use them to practice spelling the -ab words. Words on this page are: tab, lab, crab, scab, and drab.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Use this word spinner to play a variety of games in small groups or pairs. However you decide to use it, it's a great tool for reviewing -ab words.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Cut out the word cards and use them to play a fun memory match game that will help students learn or remember common -ab words.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
This word slider is shaped like a crab, but it can be used to make lots of other -ab words too, including tab, lab, scab, cab, and more!
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Print out these flash cards for the -ab word family. Words include cab, fab, jab, lab, gab, dab, tab, blab, crab, grab, scab, and slab.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Put this word wheel together and use it to practice 8 different -ab words: drab, slab, cab, tab, gab, jab, crab, and grab.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Check out all of our word family units on this index page.
Short A WorksheetsThe worksheets on this page are all centered around the short a sound.