Converting Units of Time
On this page, we have a variety of printable worksheets to help your students learn about converting units of time.

This worksheet requires students to find the number of minutes in a certain number of hours. It also requires them to convert minutes that don't equal full hours into hours and minutes.
4th Grade
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Convert between minutes and hours in order to determine whether the paired amounts of time are greater than, less than, or equal to each other.
4th Grade
On this worksheet, students will fill in a conversion chart, expressing how many seconds equal how many minutes and vice versa. Then they will convert minutes and seconds into just seconds.
4th Grade
Convert between minutes and seconds to find whether the given times are greater than, less than, or equal to each other.
4th Grade
On this worksheet, students will work to convert between days, hours, and minutes. They'll practice converting both from shorter to longer time units and from longer to shorter time units.
4th Grade
Convert the days, hours, minutes, and seconds to determine whether the given times are greater than, less than, or equal to each other. This page includes two word problems.
4th Grade
More Time Worksheets
We also have worksheets on elapsed time and telling time to the nearest minute, 5 minutes, half hour, and hour.