Super Teacher Worksheets

Basic Subtraction Worksheets

The worksheets and games on this page teach basic subtraction concepts with single-digit answers.

For two and three-digit subtraction, please try this link: Subtraction Worksheets (Advanced).

Basic Subtraction Worksheets

Games & Activities

Match each subtraction with with the answer in this fun card game.
1st and 2nd Grades
Subtraction Matching Game (Basic Facts Within 20) Free Worksheet
Cut apart the stars along the dotted lines into 30 pieces. Spread out the pieces on a table and combine matching problems and numbers to make stars.
1st and 2nd Grades
Subtraction Star Puzzles (Minuends up to 20) Worksheet
When students play this game, they will take turns rolling a die. The number they roll corresponds with a column on the game board. They must read and answer all subtraction facts in the column as quickly as they can.
1st and 2nd Grades
Subtraction Fluency Dice Worksheet
Play Bingo and learn basic subtraction facts at the same time! This printable includes 42 calling cards with subtraction facts on them and a class set (30) of bingo boards.
1st and 2nd Grades
Subtraction Bingo (Minuends up to 20) Worksheet

Concept Worksheets

Complete the picture models to help find the answer to the subtraction problems. Then write a subtraction fact for each.
1st and 2nd Grades
Subtraction with Picture Models Worksheet
This page has subtraction problems illustrated with pictures of counters.
1st and 2nd Grades
Basic Subtraction - Counters Worksheet
This worksheet uses pictures of eggs to help students solve the subtraction problems and then write the number sentence to go with it.
1st and 2nd Grades
Eggs-citing Subtraction (Pictures) Worksheet
Draw the counters in the space to provided to help form the number sentence for the subtraction problems.
1st and 2nd Grades
Subtraction with Counters Worksheet
Find and draw the missing counters and then complete the subtraction fact.
1st and 2nd Grades
How Many Missing Counters? Subtraction Worksheet
Have your students solve the subtraction word problem by drawing a picture to help find the answer.
1st and 2nd Grades
Subtraction Stories Worksheet
Use the animal pictures to help you solve basic subtraction facts.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Subtraction Facts - Pictures Worksheet

Cut-and-Glue Worksheets

Cut out ten number tiles at the bottom of the page. Glue each number next to the correct subtraction fact.
1st and 2nd Grades
Subtract, Cut, Glue Subtraction Worksheet
Print out these subtraction puzzle pieces for a fun way to practice basic subtraction facts.
1st and 2nd Grades
Subtraction Puzzles: Minuends up to 18, Subtrahends up to 9 Worksheet

Number Line

Determine which subtraction problems are being shown by each of the number lines.
1st and 2nd Grades
Number Line Subtraction Worksheet
Use the number line to determine the missing number in each subtraction fact.
1st and 2nd Grades
Number Line Subtraction 2 Worksheet
Use the number lines to determine the missing quantity in each subtraction fact.  Use the "count back" technique.
1st and 2nd Grades
Number Line Subtraction 3 Worksheet
Students use the number line to help them subtract.
1st and 2nd Grades
Number Line Subtraction 4 Worksheet
Use the number line to add or subtract.
1st and 2nd Grades
Number Line Subtraction-Addition Mix Worksheet

Subtraction Fact Practice

Write the answers to the subtraction facts on the caterpillar. All facts have minuends of 20 or less. (example: 15-5)
1st through 3rd Grades
Caterpillar: Subtraction within 20 Worksheet
Some of these subtraction facts have correct answers and some are incorrect. Circle the correct answers and cross out the incorrect ones.
1st through 3rd Grades
Correct the Subtraction Facts Worksheet
Students can hunt for basic subtraction facts with this printable number puzzle. Find and circle all 20 subtraction facts.
1st and 2nd Grades
Subtraction Number Search  Worksheet
Help the rocket find the star. Along the way, answer the subtraction facts with minuends to 20 and answers to 10.
1st and 2nd Grades
Rocket Subtraction (Minuends to 20, Answers to 10)   Worksheet

Mystery Pictures

Solve the basic subtraction problems (all minuends are 18 or less; all subtrahends are exactly 9). Then color the mystery scene according to the key. Scene will show a beach ball and sand pail.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Mystery Picture: Beach Subtraction Worksheet
Solve the subtraction problems and color-by-number to reveal a picture of a colorful parrot.
1st and 2nd Grades
Mystery Picture: Parrot Subtraction Worksheet
Solve the subtraction facts and color according to the key to reveal a fox!
1st and 2nd Grades
Mystery Picture: Fox Subtraction Worksheet
Color the robot picture by answering the subtraction facts and using the key.
1st and 2nd Grades
Mystery Picture: Robot Subtraction Worksheet
Subtraction fact blast off!  Solve the facts and color the rocket.
1st and 2nd Grades
Mystery Picture: Rocket Subtraction Worksheet
Solve the basic subtraction problems and color-by-number to reveal a picture of a rooster.
1st and 2nd Grades
Mystery Picture: Rooster Subtraction Worksheet
Find the differences and color the dog picture according to the color code.
1st and 2nd Grades
Mystery Picture - Dog Subtraction Worksheet
Write the answers to the subtraction facts and color the royal castle.
1st and 2nd Grades
Mystery Picture: Castle Subtraction Worksheet
Write the answers to the subtraction problems, then color the mystery picture of a clownfish.
1st and 2nd Grades
Mystery Picture: Fish Subtraction Worksheet
A colorful hot air balloon will be revealed when you answer the math facts and color according to the key.
1st and 2nd Grades
Mystery Picture: Hot Air Balloon Subtraction Worksheet
Find the differences for each fact shown. The color the spaces to reveal a picture of a ladybug landing on a purple flower.
1st through 3rd Grades
Mystery Picture: Ladybug Subtraction Worksheet
When they solve and color the picture, students will see a colorful sailboat.
1st and 2nd Grades
Mystery Picture: Sailboat (7s Only) Subtraction Worksheet
Find the difference and write them in the correct sections of the picture. Then color according to the key to reveal a beautiful butterfly.
1st and 2nd Grades
Mystery Picture: Butterfly Subtraction Worksheet

Basic Subtraction
Worksheet Generator

Basic Subtraction Worksheet Generator

Create your own custom subtraction worksheets with basic facts. You choose the range for the subtrahends and the differences. This generator tool lets you to create worksheets with 25 or 50 problems.

Subtraction Fact Practice

Print out this worksheet to practice basic subtraction facts with minuends up to 20.
1st through 3rd Grades
Basic Subtraction Facts: Birds Worksheet
Download this basic subtraction activity and practice subtraction facts with minuends up to 20.
1st through 3rd Grades
Basic Subtraction Facts: Theme Park  Worksheet
Use this printable math activity to help children practice basic subtraction facts with minuends up to 20.
1st through 3rd Grades
Basic Subtraction Facts: Beach  Worksheet
This worksheet has 20 subtraction facts to solve with minuends up to 20.
1st through 3rd Grades
Basic Subtraction Facts: Winter Fun Worksheet
Have your students solve these basic subtraction facts on this printable patriotic-themed worksheet.
1st through 3rd Grades
Basic Subtraction Facts: Patriotic Worksheet
This printable subtraction worksheet has twenty horizontal subtraction facts to be solved with minuends up to 20.
1st through 3rd Grades
Basic Subtraction Facts: Fruit (Horizontal) Worksheet

Subtraction Speed Drills

This worksheet has 43 basic subtraction facts. How quickly can you students solve them? All numbers are 18 or less. Differences are all equal to or less than nine.
1st and 2nd Grades
Subtraction Basic Facts (0-18) Worksheet
Solve 43 basic subtraction problems as quickly as possible. All numbers are 20 or less. Differences are ten or less.
1st and 2nd Grades
Subtraction Basic Facts (0-20) Worksheet
Solve all of the mixed addition and subtraction facts as quickly as possible. Includes sums up to and including 20 and differences up to and including 10.
1st and 2nd Grades
Addition & Subtraction Facts (0-20) Worksheet


Download and print flash cards for all basic subtraction facts with minuends to 20 and answers to 10. There are 9 cards per page.
1st and 2nd Grades
Subtraction Flashcards Minuends to 20; Answers to 10 Worksheet
A complete set of basic subtraction flashcards up to 18 - 9. This file has 4 large cards per page.
1st and 2nd Grades
Subtraction Flash Cards (Large) Minuends to 20; Answers to 10 Free Worksheet

Related Pages on Super Teacher Worksheets

Subtraction Worksheets (Advanced)

Worksheets for two, three, and four-digit subtraction with and without regrouping

Basic Fact Families (Addition-Subtraction)

This page has basic number bonds, fact families, and number triangles for teaching students about the relationship between addition and subtraction.

Addition-Subtraction Mix (Basic)

This page has a mixture of basic subtraction and basic addition facts. Includes practice worksheets, number lines, and flashcards.

Basic Addition Worksheets

Worksheets cover basic addition facts with addends up to 9.

Pictures of Our
Subtraction Worksheets

Subtraction Worksheets

Subtraction Worksheet

Subtraction Math Game

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