On this page you will find mystery pictures, fact sheets, maps, puzzles, and more featuring the State of Tennessee.

Print this worksheet so your students can learn about the state bird and flower of Tennessee as well as the state flag.
3rd through 5th Grades
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Your students will love learning the geographic details of Tennessee with this printable color map! Prominent cities, bodies of water, and neighboring states are labeled.
4th and 5th Grades
This Tennessee map has dots for cities of Chattanooga, Clarksville, Knoxville, Memphis, and Nashville. Students write the names of the cities and bodies of water, then color the map according to the instructions.
This Tennessee map includes the labels for Memphis, Knoxville, and Nashville, and other important cities. Also shows Chickamauga Lake, Douglas Lake, Kentucky Lake, Lake Barkley, Mississippi River, Norris Lake, and Watts Bar Lake.
Test your students' knowledge of the Tennessee flag by seeing if they can color this flag in correctly.
3rd through 5th Grades
Print out this page to use as a coloring page to supplement instruction on the state of Tennessee.
3rd through 5th Grades
How did some of the oldest mountains on Earth help create distinct communities? Students will read facts about both, then answer comprehension questions, complete a vocab activity, and the writing prompt if desired.
4th Grade
Teach students about this interesting landmark in southeast Tennessee with this worksheet. The short passage tells what the caverns look like, uses they've served throughout the years, and more. Five reading comprehension questions follow the article.
3rd Grade
Use the decoders to solve this cryptogram to learn two facts about the State of Tennessee.
4th and 5th Grades
Solve this word search to find the words horizontally, vertically, and diagonally. All of the words in this puzzle are Tennessee-themed, including: Smoky Mountains, Nashville, Mockingbird, Knoxville, and Gatlinburg.
3rd through 6th Grades
Rearrange the scrambled up letters to reveal these Tennessee-themed words. Find the state mineral, state tree, highest point, and several others.
3rd through 6th Grades
Music fan Penelope Peabody visits Graceland and the Grand Ole Opry. But why is she volunteering to feed the tigers at the Memphis Zoo?
4th through 6th Grades
Have your students guess which state is pictured on this worksheet and then answer the questions at the bottom.
4th and 5th Grades
Find worksheets for any of the fifty states by entering this directory.
50 States and CapitalsThis page has maps, longitude and latitude worksheets, games, and more featuring the states and capitals.
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