Super Teacher Worksheets


Below you will find a collection of printable worksheets featuring the State of Massachusetts for your students to learn with.

Massachusetts Worksheets


When learning about the state of Massachusetts, this coloring page features the Black-Capped Chickadee, which is the state bird and the Mayflower, which is the state flower.
3rd through 5th Grades
Massachusetts State Symbols Coloring Page Free States Individual Worksheet


Enhance your social studies lesson with this printable detailed map of Massachusetts. The main version is color and the alternate version (AV) is black and white.
4th and 5th Grades
Map of Massachusetts State Maps Worksheet
Color this map of Massachusetts. Then add and label the major cities and bodies of water.
Massachusetts Map (Blank) State Maps Worksheet
This Massachusetts map includes the labels for major cities, bodies of water, and bordering states.
Massachusetts Map (Labeled) State Maps Worksheet
Label the major cities and rivers on this Massachusetts map, including Cape Cod, Boston, the Long Island Sound, Dedham, and the Nantucket Sound. Then color and complete the map according to the instructions on the second page.
Massachusetts Map (Blank Cities) State Maps Worksheet
This blank map of Massachusetts does not show the bordering states or the Atlantic Ocean.
Massachusetts Map (No Bordering States) State Maps Worksheet

Reading Comprehension

Samuel Adams was born in Boston, Massachusetts. He helped write the Articles of Confederation, signed the Declaration of Independence, and served as governor of Massachusetts.
3rd and 4th Grades
Samuel Adams (Short Passage) Reading Comprehension Reading Comp Short Worksheet
Theodor Seuss Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss, was born in Springfield, Massachusetts. Read this biographical passage, and answer the reading comprehension questions that follow.
4th Grade
Dr. Seuss: Helping Kids Learn to Read 4th Grade Reading Comprehension Worksheet
Louisa May Alcott, author of the Little Women series of books, spend most of her life in Concord Massachusetts.
5th and 6th Grades
Louisa May Alcott Reading Comprehension Worksheet
Helen Keller was a well-known political activist, speaker, and author who attended college in Massachusetts. Despite a childhood illness that left her both deaf and blind, she went on to read, write books, and speak publicly.
5th and 6th Grades
Great Minds: Helen Keller Reading Comprehension Worksheet
Read about Mount Greylock’s parent mountains, the Appalachians, in this article. Comes with questions and a writing prompt.
4th Grade
The Appalachian Mountains (Full) 4th Grade Reading Comprehension Worksheet

Flags & Seals

Make sure students know what the state flag of Massachusetts looks like by printing off this full-color PDF for them.
3rd through 5th Grades
Massachusetts State Flag (Full-Color Version) States Individual Worksheet
Have your students color in this picture of the Massachusetts state flag.
3rd through 5th Grades
Massachusetts Flag Coloring Page States Individual Worksheet
Help students become familiar with the state of Massachusetts seal by printing off this page.
3rd through 5th Grades
Massachusetts State Seal (Full-Color Version) States Individual Worksheet
Use this as a coloring page or hang it in your classroom to familiarize students with their state's seal.
3rd through 5th Grades
Massachusetts State Seal (Black & White) States Individual Worksheet


After solving this puzzle, your class will learn that the state animal of Massachusetts is the Boston Terrier.
4th and 5th Grades
Cryptogram Puzzle States Individual Worksheet
Find words such as: Nantucket, Plymouth, Mount Greylock, Harvard University, Cape Cod, and bay state in this Massachusetts-themed word search puzzle.
3rd through 6th Grades
Word Search Puzzle States Individual Worksheet
Try your best to unscramble these words related to the state of Massachusetts. Some of the words are state symbols and others are geographical landmarks.
3rd through 6th Grades
Word Scramble States Individual Worksheet

Mystery State Activities

Penelope is deep sea fishing is Cape Code before she heads off to a Red Sox game at Fenway Park.
4th through 6th Grades
Lost in USA:  Massachusetts States Lost Worksheet
Using a map of the USA if needed, figure out which state is shown on this worksheet. Next, write down the state capital, state bird, state flower, and bordering states on the lines on the bottom.
4th and 5th Grades
Mystery State: Massachusetts States Worksheet
Use the clues each day of the school week to help students solve the mystery puzzle and learn about Paul Revere.
4th through 6th Grades
Who Am I? Challenge (Paul Revere) Challenges Worksheet

See Also:

Index to State Pages

Enter here to find a full list of pages for each of the fifty states of the USA.

50 States and Capitals

This page has printables for teaching about all 50 states and capitals.

Social Studies - Complete List

Your students will learn about the branches of US government, American history, and other topics with the printable worksheets found from this index.

Sample Worksheet Images

Massachusetts Worksheets - State Symbols

Massachusetts Worksheets - Reading Comprehension

State of Massachusetts Word Search Puzzle

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