Spelling Theme Unit: Math Words
This special fifth grade spelling unit is all about math! Words in this unit include: addend, angle, dividend, measurement, graphing, infinity, geometry, cylinder, perimeter, polygon, circumference, diameter, denominator, numerator, octagon, numeral, product, symmetry, difference, radius, probability, subtraction, decimal, pyramid, and fraction.

The spelling list for this math-themed unit included the following words: addend, graphing, measurement, diameter, pyramid, geometry, numerator, polygon, perimeter, denominator, infinity, symmetry, dividend, numeral, cylinder, difference, circumference, subtraction, angle, probability, fraction, decimal, product, octagon, and radius.
5th Grade
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This printable activity includes questions about your math spelling words. Write a spelling word for the given definition. Answer the phonics questions. Unscramble the spelling words. And complete each sentence with one of your spelling words. An answer key is included.
5th Grade
Your students will circle the spelling word in each sentence. If the word is spelled incorrectly, they will write the correct spelling on the line provided. An answer key is included.
5th Grade
Practice the math words from this week's spelling list with this engaging crossword puzzle activity.
5th Grade
See if you can find all your spelling words hidden in this word search puzzle. Remember to look for the words diagonally, horizontally, and vertically.
5th Grade
Make your own word search puzzle with this handy template! Hide all your spelling words in the puzzle, and give it to a friend to solve.
5th Grade
Write each of your spelling words twice for extra practice, using this printable spelling worksheet.
5th Grade
Step 1 of this activity has students typing twelve sentences for each of the spelling words listed on this worksheet. Step 2 requires students to proofread their work. Step 3 has students making sure the font and size of the text are appropriate and step 4 is to save or print the file as per the teacher's instructions.
5th Grade
Printable spelling flashcards you can use with this math-themed spelling unit for fifth grade.
5th Grade
Cut out the spelling words and glue them onto the table so that they are arranged in alphabetical order.
5th Grade
Write out the full list of your spelling words in alphabetical order in this printable spelling exercise.
5th Grade
Here's a handy spelling test template for you to use along with this week's spelling unit.
5th Grade
Here is a list of 25 sentences, each containing one of your math-themed spelling words. Read these sentences aloud to your students during their spelling test.
5th Grade
This PDF has a complete listing of all words in units 1 through 30 in the STW 5th grade spelling series.
5th Grade
This page has links to all 30 Level E (5th grade) spelling units.