Super Teacher Worksheets

4th Grade Spelling Unit D-25

Grade 4 spelling Unit D-25 has vowel-consonant-consonant-vowel (VCCV) words. List: dentist, silver, confess, sandal, hunger, reptile, pencil, survive, shelter, indulgent, absent, college, secret, subject, capture, insect, corner, welcome, dislike, extend, fantastic, and perfume.

4th Grade - Unit 25 - Spelling Worksheets

Spelling List

This week's list spotlights V-C-C-V words. These are words with a vowel-consonant-consonant-vowel pattern. List includes: dentist, hunger, sandal, college, pencil, perfume, silver, reptile, insect, confess, secret, extend, absent, capture, dislike, corner, survive, subject, welcome, and shelter.
4th Grade
Spelling List D-25 Spelling D Worksheet


Use this worksheet to help your students learn their spelling words in this unit. This worksheet includes phonics questions, vocabulary identification, and complete the sentence exercise. Answer key is included.
4th Grade
Question Worksheet (D-25) Spelling D Worksheet
This activity asks students to read each sentence and determine if one of this weeks spelling words is spelled correctly or incorrectly.
4th Grade
Fix the Mistakes (D-25) Spelling D Worksheet
Using all of the words from the Spelling Unit D-25, complete the crossword puzzle according to the clues.
4th Grade
Crossword (D-25) Spelling D Worksheet
Can you unscramble each of your spelling words? An answer key is included.
4th Grade
Unscramble (D-25) Spelling D Worksheet
On the lines given, write each spelling word twice.
4th Grade
Write Twice (D-25) Spelling D Worksheet
Can you find hidden spelling words in this tricky word search puzzle.
4th Grade
Word Search (D-25) Spelling D Worksheet
Hide your spelling words in the puzzle and let a friend solve it.
4th Grade
Make-a-Search (D-25) Spelling D Worksheet
Using a word processor, students will type their spelling words into sentences with this printable activity.
4th Grade
Typing Activity (D-25) Spelling D Worksheet


Use these flashcards for small group instruction, as a study tool, or to play spelling games.
4th Grade
Flashcards (D-25) Spelling D Worksheet

Alphabetical Order

Cut out the spelling words and glue them to the table so that they appear in alphabetical order.
4th Grade
ABC Order: Cut and Glue (D-25)  Spelling D Worksheet
Words are broken up into groups of five. Rewrite each set in alphabetical order. For example "dentist, extend, fantastic, absent, dislike" is rewritten as "absent, dentist, dislike, extend, fantastic."
4th Grade
Alphabetical Order (D-25) Spelling D Worksheet
Write all words in alphabetical order, starting with the word absent and ending with the word welcome.
4th Grade
ABC Order: Write List (D-25) Spelling D Worksheet

Spelling Test

Blank test form for students to fill in.
4th Grade
Spelling Test (D-25) Spelling D Worksheet
Here is a list of sentences you can read aloud to your students as they take their spelling test for unit D-25.
4th Grade
Spelling Test Sentences (D-25)  Spelling D Worksheet

Master List

Here's the master word list for all grade 4 spelling units in the STW spelling series. There are 30 units, plus 4 holiday units, plus 4 themed units.
Grade 4 Spelling (Master List) Spelling D Worksheet

See Also:

Spelling Unit D-26

Unit D-26 4th grade spelling are words that are contractions. List contains: they'll, would've, should've, there's, you'd, they're, you've, who'll, they've, she's, you're, mustn't, could've, they'd, who's, wouldn't, he's, who'd, couldn't, o'clock, shouldn't, and you'll.

4th Grade Spelling (Full Index)

Link to any page in our 4th grade spelling curriculum from this page.

Sample Worksheet Images

Spelling Scramble 4th Grade

4th Grade Spelling Flashcards

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