1st Grade Spelling Unit A-28
1st Grade spelling Unit A-28 is all about words with an /or/ sound. Word list: port, for, storm, sport, cord, sort, fork, and horse.

This week's words have the /or/ sound. List includes: port, for, storm, sport, cord, fork, sort, and horse
1st Grade
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In this printable spelling worksheet, children will answer questions about their spelling words. An answer key is included with this activity.
1st Grade
In this printable activity, students will choose the spelling word that best fits in each sentence. An answer key is included.
1st Grade
Students will unscramble the words so they form a complete sentence and write out the sentence in this printable spelling activity.
1st Grade
Cut out the word cards. Arrange them on the table to make complete sentences. Includes 25 word cards, 10 of which are spelling words.
1st Grade
This is a basic puzzle with rows of letters. Students look closely at each row in search of a spelling word from this week's list.
1st Grade
Try out these flashcards with your unit A-28 spelling curriculum! Use these ten printable flashcards for classroom games, group activities, and more.
1st Grade
Here's a two-player game to review this week's spelling words. Spin the wheel to reveal words. The second player attempts to spell each word.
1st Grade
Cut out the teddy bear and word strip along the dotted lines. Thread the word strip into the slots on the teddy bear. Slide the strip up and down to review the words from spelling Unit A-28. (Color version available through ALT button.)
1st Grade
Cut out the small spelling word cards. Glue them alphabetically on the page, starting with the word born and ending with the word with.
1st Grade
This document has sentences you can read when you give the spelling test for unit twenty-eight.
1st Grade
Spelling Unit A-29 (1st Grade)
Words in Spelling Unit A-29 for first grade consist of words that contain er, ir, and ur. List: fern, curl, herd, surf, bird, swirl, burst, and girl.
First Grade Spelling SeriesThis link will take you to the main index page for 1st grade spelling. You can link to any spelling unit from here.