Super Teacher Worksheets

South Africa

Print maps of the Republic of South Africa. Includes blank maps, maps with city labels, and numbered maps.

South Africa Worksheets

Maps - Blank

Blank Map #1  FREE 
This blank map of the Republic of South Africa includes the borders of surrounding nations.
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This blank map does not include the borders of surrounding nations.

Maps - Provinces

This map of South Africa has the names and outlines of the provinces. Includes adjacent nations.
This map of R. of S.A. has the names and outlines of each province. Does not have adjacent nations shown.

Maps - Capitals

This South Africa maps shows major cities, provincial capitals, and national capitals. This version includes borders of neighboring countries.
This version shows major cities and capitals, but does not include the borders and names of surrounding countries.

Maps - Numbered

On this map, students must match the number with the correct S.A. province name or bordering nation name.
On this map, students must match the number with the correct S.A. province name. Does not include nearby nations.
Students write the name of each numbered provincial and national capital city. Includes the names of surrounding nations.
Students write the name of each numbered provincial and national capital city. Does not include adjacent nations.

Maps - African Continent

This map of the African continent includes the names of all najor nations.
Here is a blank map of Africa for students to color and label.
See also:
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Sample Worksheet Images

Labeled African Map

African Map - Blank

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