Super Teacher Worksheets

2nd Grade ELA Worksheets

These second grade English Language Arts worksheets are important in helping students learn, practice, and become comfortable using early ELA skills. The printable activities focus on parts of speech such as nouns and verbs, grammar and language conventions, writing, editing, storytelling, and reading comprehension. Check out even more 2nd grade ELA content.

second grade ela worksheets 2nd Worksheets

Parts of Speech

Students first tell whether or not each word is a noun. Next, they indicate whether a noun is singular or plural. Finally, they circle the nouns in each sentence.
2nd Grade
Reviewing Nouns 2nd Grade ELA Worksheet
Common Core
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Have students pick the best collective noun to complete the sentence.
2nd Grade
Collective Nouns 2nd Grade ELA Worksheet
Choose the appropriate past tense irregular verb that best completes each sentence in this second grade grammar activity.
2nd Grade
Irregular Verbs 2nd Grade ELA Worksheet
Use provided clues to tell if the underlined word is an adverb or adjective on this worksheet.
2nd Grade
Adverb or Adjective? 2nd Grade ELA Worksheet

Grammar and Conventions

Practice capitalizing the days of the week, months of the year, and holidays on this free 2nd grade ELA worksheet.
2nd Grade
Capitalizing Days, Months, and Holidays Free 2nd Grade ELA Worksheet
Rewrite each sentence correctly, adding punctuation and fixing the capitalization.
2nd Grade
Writing Place Names (Capitalization & Punctuation) 2nd Grade ELA Worksheet
Have students construct compound sentences using conjunctions and semicolons.
2nd Grade
Compound Sentences 2nd Grade ELA Worksheet
Students can master prefixes and suffixes using this task card set.
2nd Grade
Task Cards: Prefixes & Suffixes 2nd Grade ELA Worksheet
Draw a circle around the picture that represents the underlined homograph in each sentence.
2nd Grade
Multiple Meaning Words 2nd Grade ELA Worksheet

Writing & Editing

Use story cards to create a unique and imaginative story with a distinct character, setting, and event.
2nd Grade
Build-a-Story Activity 2nd Grade ELA Worksheet
Get full class participation during learning center time as students have to work together to write a cooperative and cohesive story.
2nd Grade
Class Story Center 2nd Grade ELA Worksheet
This 2nd grade writing checklist will help students proof their own work.
2nd Grade
Writing Checklist 2nd Grade ELA Worksheet
Students can utilize this spin wheel to check their writing for neatness, spelling, capitalization, punctuation, topics, and more.
2nd Grade
Editing Wheel 2nd Grade ELA Worksheet
Pair up with a classmate to check each other's work using this second grade proofreading activity.
2nd Grade
Peer Editing 2nd Grade ELA Worksheet

Reading Comprehension

Discover the fascinating flying fox! Despite its name, the flying fox isn’t a fox at all - it's a unique type of bat. This engaging article is designed for 2nd graders, featuring age-appropriate language to teach young readers about these amazing animals. The resource includes reading comprehension questions, vocabulary-building activities, and a creative writing prompt, perfect for enhancing reading skills and vocabulary while learning about the flying fox.
2nd Grade
The Flying Fox (Nonfiction) 2nd Grade Reading Comprehension ELA Worksheet
This short story is about Sam who is collecting eggs in the hen house. He finds that one egg seems a bit different. Your students will enjoy this free second grade reading comp activity!
2nd Grade
The Big Egg (Short Fiction) Free 2nd Grade Reading Comprehension ELA Worksheet
This passage discusses the 5 main senses: sight, smell, taste, hearing, and touch. Reading comprehension questions are included.
2nd Grade
Five Super Senses (Nonfiction) 2nd Grade Reading Comprehension ELA Worksheet
This short poem focuses on the importance of friendship. Several questions for students follow to sharpen their compreheension skills.
2nd Grade
Spending Time (Poem) 2nd Grade Reading Comprehension ELA Worksheet
This readers' theater is targeted for 2nd graders and tells a story about a girl earning money and saving. There are ten character parts for students.
2nd Grade
Maisy\'s Piggy Bank (Readers’ Theater) 2nd Grade ELA Worksheet
Fix the Sentences Level B

Find links to all of STW's second grade Fix the Sentences activities on this page

ELA Buzz Level B

Check out our daily ELA review for second grade English Language Arts practice and mastery.

Spelling Level B

This is a full set of spelling units and worksheets covering 2nd grade words.

Parts of Speech

Use these worksheets focusing on parts of speech made specially for early learners.

Grammar and Conventions

Students learn about grammar and language mechanics with these classroom printables.

Writing & Editing

Practice writing and editing with these printable grade school ELA worksheets.

Reading Comprehension

We have dozens of interesting reading comp passages and worksheets including fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and more to engage students!

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