Reminder Wristbands
This page has printable reminder wristbands for your students. Help them remember library books, bus numbers, lunch money, homework assignments, field trips, tests, and more.

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Students sometimes forget lunch money. Next time one of your students doesn't have money for lunch, use one of these bracelets to help them remember.
Print this set of 12 "I have homework tonight" bands to remind students and parents about assignments.
A set of reminder bracelets that let parents know that homework wasn't handed in and that it should be brought in tomorrow.
A set of 12 printable bracelets students can wear home to remind parents to sign their agenda books.
Students can wear these printable cut-out wristbands to proudly show they are a "Super Star Student!"
Write your own reminders or awards on these printable wristbands. This file has twelve bracelets. There's a blank space for the teacher to write a message and a background with stars.
Write your own reminder messages to students on these cut-out paper reminder wristbands. This set has balloons on the background.
With a background images of buses, this set of wristbands can be printed and written on as a reminder for students.
A set of 12 printable bands to cut out and write reminders on, with a flower themed background image.
Download and print teaching tools, such as gradebooks, lesson planners and student agendas, sticker charts, and blank calendars.
AwardsPrintable awards for student. Includes: honor roll, super readers, character awards, and more.