Super Teacher Worksheets

Pi Day Worksheets - March 14th (3.14)

Everyone loves pi - and we enjoy celebrating the most delicious number of all every year on March 14 (3.14).  The worksheets on this page can be used to teach students about the number pi.

Pi Day Worksheets
This is a series of short-answer questions that relate to pi, circles, and circumference.
6th through 8th Grades
Common Core
Multiple Versions Available
Multiple Versions Available
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In this activity, students use a tape measure  to determine the circumference and diameter of circles.  Then they use their data to calculate pi.
7th and 8th Grades
Pi Song  FREE 
Sing the "Pi Song" with your class.  It's an adorable song to the tune of "The Wheels on the Bus."
3rd through 5th Grades
Rearrange the letters in the words "Happy Pi Day" to make as many different words as possible. This version was written specially for students in kindergarten through second grade, and includes primary-ruled paper.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Rearrange the letters in the words "Happy Pi Day" to make as many different words as possible. This version has a more complicated scoring guide for students in third through fifth grades.
3rd through 5th Grades

See Also:

Circle Worksheets (Circumference, Radius, and Diameter)

Teach your students to determine the radius, diameter, and circumference of a circle with these worksheets.

Holiday Worksheets

Would you like to see the complete index of holiday worksheets available on S.T.W.? We have worksheets for Christmas, Valentine's Day, Presidents' Day, and almost every other holiday you can imagine.

Pi Worksheet Pictures

Pi Questions Worksheet (Circle, Circumference)

Pi Activity Worksheets

Pi Worksheet (Song)

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Common Core Alignment