Consonant TR Blends
This page contains a series of phonics worksheets to help teach students about the TR consonant blend.

Cut out the TR words on the bottom portion of this worksheet and glue them to the box below the corresponding picture.
1st Grade
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Write the missing TR words on the lines to finish the sentences. Color the pictures, cut the pages, and staple together to form the mini-book.
1st Grade
Cut out the picture boxes at the bottom of the page. Use glue to paste the TR words in the left column and the other words under the right column.
1st Grade
Students will use crayons to color in the tractor, tree, trumpet, and truck. Then they will cut out the cards and glue or staple them together to make a flip book.
1st Grade
Use scissors to cut out the mixed up words on the bottom and arrange to make the TR words in the pictures. Then glue the letters in the boxes provided.
1st Grade
Pennants (Tr- Words) FREE
This phonics printable has 9 pennants of TR words that can be made by students to be hung in the classroom. Includes: tree, truck, treasure, train, trash, tractor, treat, triangle, and trumpet.
1st Grade
Practice reading and writing words with the TR consonant blend with this printable phonics worksheet.
1st Grade
Write the missing TR word in the sentences on the bottom of the page using the illustrated work bank at the top.
1st Grade
TR sentences FREE
Students will choose a TR word from the box to complete each sentence. Words include tree, train, and tray.
1st Grade
On this phonics worksheet, have your student color the pictures. Then trace and write the TR words on the lines.
1st Grade
In this fun word search activity students will try to identify words starting with the TR blend hidden in the puzzle. Words include truck, trace, trail and trip.
1st Grade
This worksheet provides primary-ruled lines for students to think up and write all the TR words they can think of.
1st Grade
This printable page includes the following tr- words: trash, tractor, triangle, truck, treat, train, treasure, and trumpet.
1st and 2nd Grades
This printable has 18 word and picture cards to play different games with to practice TR words.
1st Grade
Use scissors to cut out the 25 word cards on this printable. Then arrange the words to make sentences. Write the sentences you make on the primary-ruled lines provided.
1st Grade
With this fun phonics worksheet, use letter stampers to make the TR word in the box provided.
1st Grade
This printable features 22 TR word flashcards to practice with. Students can practice on their own or in groups.
1st Grade
Use card stock to print out these pages. Affix the two circles together with a paper fastener. Features the words: trip, trap, trim, tray, truck, trace, train, and tree.
1st Grade
This page has our Fry sight word units and each unit has several printables to choose from.
Phonics WorksheetsView our full collection of phonics activities, including consonants, vowels, blends, digraphs, and diphthongs.