Super Teacher Worksheets

Phonics R-Controlled Vowels - /ûr/ Spelled with er, ir, and ur

This page has printable phonics worksheets and activities for teaching students about the r-controlled vowel sound /ûr/, spelled with the letters er, ir, and ur. Words in this series include her, bird, and fur.

/ûr/ Sound - Phonics


With this worksheet, students are looking for words with the /ûr/ sound spelled a variety of ways.
1st and 2nd Grades
Common Core
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Use a crayon, highlighter, or ink dabber. Color only the words with the /ûr/ sound, as in dirt and fur. In this activity, the /ûr/ sound is spelled with er as in her, ir as in bird, and ur as in fur.
1st and 2nd Grades
Color the words that have the /ûr/ sound (like bird and fur) blue. Color the words that have the /îr/ sound (like deer and near) red.
1st and 2nd Grades

Flash Cards

Words include: her, fur, bird, fern, herd, turn, girl, dirt, curl, verb, curb, stir, firm, burn, germ, sir, perk, shirt, skirt, and perch.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
See also:
More R-Controlled Vowel Sounds

Print hundreds of r-controlled vowel worksheets. Sounds include: /är/ (as in car), /ôr/ (as in horn), and /ûr/ (as in her).

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Phonics Worksheets - R-Controlled Vowels

R controlled ER IR UR Sounds - Phonics Worksheets

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Common Core Alignment