Print and cut out these phonics picture cards to sort them into two groups: words that have a long e sound and words that do not.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
This printable phonics file has 30 cards to be cut out and used for reviewing words that have the long e vowel sound.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Cut out the thirty cards in this printable along the dotted lines and sort the word cards into two groups: those that have a long e sound and those that don't.
1st and 2nd Grades
Cut apart the word cards. Then arrange them on the table to make complete sentences. Copy each sentence onto the paper. Remember to begin each sentence with a capital letter and end with a punctuation mark.
1st and 2nd Grades
In this card game, students will practice reading some of the following words: she, seed, eat, tree, ear, me, we, deep, tree, and free.
1st and 2nd Grades
This fun phonics game has students searching the classroom for the fifteen hidden cards. They will write the long e word found on each card on their answer page.
1st and 2nd Grades
Flashcards, Sliders, and Word Wheels
Words on these 36 flashcards include me, she, we, jeep, feet, deep, tree, seed, bead, meet, deal, clean, beach, and many more.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
This word slider is shaped like a ladybug and 4 different word strips full of words with a long e sound to practice with.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Phonics word wheel to spin and read the word: we, see, bee, feet, beep, keep, meet, me
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
This phonics wheel has heal, teal, seal, meal, steal, and real.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
The -ear phonics circle has pear, tear, hear, and near.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Phonics spinner has: seat, beat, neat, meat, wheat, and heat
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
This word family set has only four words: were, there, here, and where
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
The -eet phonics family includes: greet, beet, feet, and street
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Black and white version: deep, beep, sweep, sleep, keep, and sheep
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
This phonics wheel has wheel, peel, and feel.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Short E Vowel SoundThis page has a variety of printable worksheets and activities featuring words that have a short e vowel sound.
Long E and Short E (Mixed)This unit contains worksheets that help students differentiate between words that have a short e and long e vowel sound.
Full List of Phonics TopicsFrom our main phonics index page, you'll be able to find thousands of phonics printables. Main topics include short vowels, long vowels, consonant sounds, r-controlled vowels, blends, digraphs, diphthongs, and word families.