| Area and Perimeter Worksheets from Super Teacher
Have you visited our Area and Perimeter pages on Super Teacher Worksheets? We've got tons of awesome worksheets on basic, intermediate, and advanced area of shapes. Find activities such as Scoot games, "I Have...Who Has?" and more! Go to Area Page » |
 | Super Teacher Sweepstakes
This month we're giving away two box sets of Dr. Seuss books to one lucky winner! Enter for your chance to win this wonderful collection of ten hardcover books from the beloved children's author. What a great addition to any classroom library! Go to STW Contest Page » |
 | SMART Board Notebook Lessons on Modern Chalkboard
Have you visited Modern Chalkboard? On this website you'll find a variety of interactive whiteboard lessons for math, science, and grammar topics. These SMART Board lessons are filled with fun activities! Go to Modern Chalkboard » |
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