Multiplying by 5s
Here you'll find our collection of worksheets on multiplying by 5s. Includes worksheets with all facts from 0-5, as well as worksheets with only 5s, as well as skip counting by 5s.

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This page has multiplication worksheets for all basic facts, up to 10x10. (And we also have some that go up to 12x12.)
Multiplication/DivisionFact Families
Fact families are used to teach relationships between division and multiplication.
Multiplication by 3sThe printables on this page can be used to help teach the 3s times tables.
Multiplication by 4sMultiplying single-digit numbers with 4 as a factor is the topic for this page.
Multiplication by 6sThese worksheets will help your kids master basic multiplication with 6 as a factor.
Multiplication by 7sBasic facts with factors of 7 are the focus on these printable learning resources.
Multiplication by 8sPractice multiplying by the number 8. Includes mystery pictures, skip counting lessons, and more.
Multiplication by 9sUse these learning resources to help your students master the 9s times tables.