Super Teacher Worksheets

Writing Friendly Letters

Practice writing a friendly letter with, a date, salutation, body, and closing.

Letter Writing Worksheets

Letter-Writing Worksheets

Cut out the names of the parts of a friendly letter. Glue them into the correct boxes on the page.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Friendly Letter: Cut & Glue Writing Worksheet
Common Core
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This worksheet includes a sample thank you letter. It asks students to identify parts of a thank you note, observe specific punctuation marks, and write several different closings.
1st and 2nd Grades
Thank You Letter #1 Writing Worksheet
Write a thank you letter. Use the sample friendly letter as your guide.
1st and 2nd Grades
Thank You Letter #2 Writing Worksheet


Write fan mail to your favorite author. Includes sample template and detailed instructions.
1st through 5th Grades
Writing to An Author Free Worksheet
Write a letter to your mom and tell her why you love her. This printable includes special stationery for a letter and picture.
2nd through 5th Grades
Letter to Mom Mothers Day Worksheet
Write a letter to your father in which you tell him why he's special to you. Be sure the letter has a date, greeting, body, closing, and signature. This worksheet includes clear directions and a template.
1st through 4th Grades
Letter To Your Dad Fathers Day Worksheet

Date and Place Name

Rewrite the addresses. Use correct capitalization and punctuation.
1st through 4th Grades
Writing Addresses Worksheet
Rewrite the sentences. Be sure to include a comma and correct capitalization for each place name.
1st and 2nd Grades
Place Names Writing Worksheet
Write each date correctly. Include correct capitalization and punctuation for each.
1st and 2nd Grades
Writing Dates Worksheet

Letter Templates

This template includes small-letter labels for each part of the letter, including date, salutation, body, and closing. Students write their friendly letter on the lines.
3rd through 5th Grades
Friendly Letter Template #1 (Includes Prompts) Writing Worksheet
This template includes small-letter labels for each part of the letter, including date, salutation, body, and closing. This version also includes examples for each. Students simply write their letter on the lines given.
3rd through 5th Grades
Friendly Letter Template #2 (Prompts with Examples) Writing Worksheet
This template includes lines, but no prompts.
Friendly Letter Template #3 (No Prompts) Paper Worksheet
This template includes a picture of Santa and a Christmas elf.
1st through 4th Grades
Christmas Letter Template Worksheet
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Worksheet Images

Friendly Letter Worksheet

Printable Letter-Writing Worksheets

Thank You Note (Letter-Writing Worksheets)

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Common Core Alignment