Integers are positive and negative whole numbers. Teach students about comparing, ordering, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing basic integers.

Comparing Integers FREE
Compare positive and negative numbers using the greater than and less than symbols.
5th through 7th Grades
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Place the negative and positive integers on the number lines and answer the questions.
5th through 7th Grades
For each sentence, fill in the blank line to demonstrate your knowledge of integers.
5th through 7th Grades
At the top of this worksheet, there are many shapes with positive and negative numbers in them. Students find pairs of congruent shapes, and add the numbers inside of them. For example: Find the sum of the numbers in the trapezoids.
5th through 7th Grades
Find out how to subtract using a number line with negative and positive integers.
5th through 7th Grades
What has 13 hearts, but no other organs? To find the answer to the riddle, add and subtract positive and negative numbers. Then match the letters with the answers.
5th through 7th Grades
At the top of this worksheet, students are presented with shapes that have positive and negative integers in them. Students multiply similar shapes together. For example:Find the product of the numbers in the hexagons.
6th through 8th Grades
This multiplication table features negative and positive integers ranging from negative four through positive four.
6th through 8th Grades
Add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers on this practice worksheet. Includes 13 regular problems and 2 word problems.
6th through 8th Grades
Here's a large number line (-20 to 20) that you can cut out and hang on the wall of your classroom.
5th through 7th Grades
Here's a large number line that you can cut out, assemble, and hang on your classroom wall.
5th through 7th Grades
Students will learn to evaluate expressions, solve equations, identify dependent/independent variables, and work with inequalities.
Number LinesThese number line worksheets can be used to teach students about integers, skip counting, addition, subtraction, and number patterns.