Super Teacher Worksheets

Fifth Grade Printable Math Worksheets

These fifth grade math worksheets are perfect to help students practice, understand, and develop middle school math skills. The printable activities target skills such as the order of operations, adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers, decimal number place value, and simple geometry. Free content is available for each 5th grade topic. View more 5th grade math content.

fifth grade math worksheets 5th Worksheets

Decimal Place Value

Students practice identifying the value of underlined digits in decimal numbers. This 5th grade math worksheet is great for building a strong understanding of place value and decimals.
5th Grade
Digit Values (Thousandths) 5th Grade Math Worksheet
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This printable PDF worksheet has students write decimals in expanded form, with most decimals reaching the thousandths place.
5th Grade
Writing Decimals in Expanded Form 5th Grade Math Worksheet
This 5th grade math activity asks students to match word names with their corresponding standard form decimal numbers. It's excellent for improving decimal reading and writing skills.
5th Grade
Decimal Number Match Free 5th Grade Math Worksheet
This printable guides students in converting decimal word names into standard form and is ideal for building decimal literacy.
5th Grade
Reading and Writing Decimals 5th Grade Math Worksheet
Order each group of decimal numbers from least to greatest on this printable 5th grade math worksheet.
5th Grade
Ordering Decimals 5th Grade Math Worksheet


This fun, educational activity has students plot points on a four-quadrant coordinate plane and connect them to reveal a picture of a dolphin in the ocean.
5th Grade
Plotting Points: Mystery Graph 5th Grade Math Worksheet
This 5th grade math worksheet challenges students to use geometry skills to find the missing angles in triangles. With two angle measurements provided for each triangle, this activity reinforces understanding of angle sums.
5th Grade
Missing Angles (Triangles) 5th Grade Math Worksheet
Build students' graphing skills with this printable PDF worksheet that features both positive and negative numbers. Practice plotting and identifying ordered pairs on a coordinate plane.
5th Grade
Ordered Pairs 5th Grade Math Worksheet
This resource helps students to master coordinate grids by having them practice identifying points, determining quadrants, and plotting points.
5th Grade
Coordinate Grid 5th Grade Math Worksheet
This fifth grade math worksheet features fill-in-the-blank and multiple-choice questions about points, lines, rays, parallel lines, and perpendicular lines.
5th Grade
Questions about Geometry 5th Grade Math Worksheet

Order of Operations

Challenge students to simplify 30 expressions with parentheses, but without using exponents. Perfect for activities like exit slips, classroom scavenger hunts, or peer reviews, this resource helps reinforce algebraic concepts in the classroom.
5th Grade
Order of Operations Task Cards 5th Grade Math Worksheet
This 5th grade math worksheet asks students to write number sentences using numbers and symbols that match given phrases. With examples like "What number is 76 more than the product of 13 and 8?", this activity helps strengthen problem-solving and algebraic skills.
5th Grade
Number Sentences 5th Grade Math Worksheet
This activity provides a fun maze where students color the expressions and solutions to navigate from start to finish to reinforce understanding of the order of operations.
5th Grade
Order of Operations Maze 5th Grade Math Worksheet
This 5th grade math worksheet helps students practice solving equations using the order of operations (aka PEMDAS). It focuses on parentheses and exponents, and it is limited to whole whole numbers only.
5th Grade
Order of Operations Equations 5th Grade Math Worksheet
Reinforce order of operations and algebraic concepts with this printable PEMDAS worksheet. It includes problems that focus on basic parentheses and exponents and has a short answer question included.
5th Grade
PEMDAS Worksheet 5th Grade Math Worksheet

Adding & Subtracting Fractions with Unlike Denominators

Practice adding fractions with different denominators. This worksheet features vertical problems such as
1/4 + 1/2 = 3/4.
5th Grade
Adding Fractions 5th Grade Math Worksheet
These printable task cards help 5th graders work on their fraction adding skills. The fraction addition problems presented have different denominators.
5th Grade
Task Cards: Adding Fractions 5th Grade Math Worksheet
What is 2/6 minus 1/3? Find the answer by using this fifth grade math worksheet that helps students practice subtracting fractions with unlike denominators.
5th Grade
Subtracting Fractions 5th Grade Math Worksheet
Featuring a dozen horizontal mixed addition and subtraction problems for fractions, this printable is excellent for reinforcing basic fraction operation skills in the classroom or homeschool setting!
5th Grade
Adding and Subtracting Fractions 5th Grade Math Worksheet
This 5th grade math worksheet helps students practice adding and subtracting mixed numbers with unlike denominators. Problems appear horizontally and there is space for students to show work in converting numbers.
5th Grade
Adding and Subtraction Mixed Numbers 5th Grade Math Worksheet
5th Grade Math Buzz (Daily Math Review)

Try our daily spiral review for 5th grade math students!

5th Grade Math Word Problems

Take a look at our daily math word problems for fifth graders.

More Decimal Place Value

Try worksheets focusing on decimals and place value made specially for 5th graders.

More Geometry

Help students learn 5th grade geometry including area, perimeter, angles, volume, surface area, radius, diameter, and shapes.

More Order of Operations

Master order of operations with these printable math PDF worksheets.

More Adding & Subtracting Fractions

Check out the selection of fraction worksheets for 5th graders, focusing on adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers!

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