Super Teacher Worksheets

Easter Word Puzzles and Brain Teasers

Print Easter word search puzzles, brain teasers, word unscramble puzzles, math challenges, classroom games, and more.

Easter Word Puzzles

Easter Word Puzzles

A basic word search for first and second graders. Does not include words hidden diagonally or backwards.
1st and 2nd Grades
Easter Word Search (Primary) Holiday Worksheet
Can your students find all of the Easter words hidden in the puzzle? Words to find include bunny, spring, grass, basket, lily, and many others. Perfect for third grade and up.
3rd through 5th Grades
Easter Word Search (Intermediate) Holiday Worksheet
Cut out the letters in the words EASTER BUNNY. Rearrange them on the table to make as many new words as possible. This version includes primary-ruled lines for younger students.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Easter Letter Mix-Up (Primary) Worksheet
Cut out the letters in the words EASTER BUNNY. Rearrange them on the table to make as many new words as possible. This version includes a more advanced scoring guide for older students.
2nd through 4th Grades
Easter Letter Mix-Up (Intermediate) Worksheet
Complete this holiday-themed puzzle with seasonally appropriate words such as baskets, bonnet, hunt, jellybeans, marshmallow, Sunday, and more!
3rd through 5th Grades
Easter Crossword Worksheet
Can you unscramble all of these Easter words and win the bunny's golden egg? This worksheet is easy enough for third graders, but is challenging enough for kids and adults of all ages.
3rd through 6th Grades
Easter Word Scramble Holiday Worksheet

Easter Shape and Picture Puzzles

Students can use tangrams to make certain Easter-themed shapes. This file includes easy and harder versions for each shape.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Easter Tangrams Worksheet
Can you find all the hidden pictures? Have fun searching for different objects hidden throughout this picture. Then enjoy coloring this springtime page.
Kindergarten to 3rd Grade
Easter Hidden Picture  Worksheet

Classroom Games

Each student makes their own Easter bingo board using the picture squares. Then the class plays Easter bingo together.
Kindergarten to 2nd Grade
Easter Bingo Worksheet

Easter Number Puzzles

This is a game for 1, 2, or 3 players. The Easter eggs on these pages have numbers on them. Players take turns searching for pairs that have sums of thirteen. (10+3, 9+4, 8+5, 7+6, etc)
1st through 3rd Grades
Easter Sum Game Free Addition Sum Game Worksheet

See Also:

More Easter Worksheets

Click here to access Easter-themed math worksheets, crafts for kids, word puzzles, early literacy activities, and much more.

Sample Worksheet Images

Easter Puzzles and Games - Word Search

Easter Puzzles and Games

Easter Puzzles and Games - Word Scramble

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