Printable Crafts
This page contains various printable files for crafts including dioramas, characters, finger puppets, and more.

Make a Valentine Guy FREE
Here's a fun, easy, and free Valentine's Day craft for your kids. Simply cut out the Valentine character body, arms, and legs, then attach with brass paper fasteners.
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Make a Leprechaun FREE
Celebrate St. Patrick's Day on March 17th with this free leprechaun pattern. Cut out the arms and legs and attach with paper fasteners so they move.
Attach the feathers to the turkey's body. Kids can color the feathers and/or write what they are thankful for on them. Quick and easy November craft idea.
Build a cute scarecrow with arms and legs that really move. Simply cut out the scarecrow parts and attach them with paper fasteners. It's that easy.
Cut out Santa's body, head, arms, and legs. Then, color and attach with paper fasteners. A fun December craft activity that kids love.
Snowflake 1 (Basic) FREE
Use this free worksheet and students can fold and cut this basic snowflake pattern.
3rd through 5th Grades
Urban/City Diorama FREE
Color, cut, fold, and glue the buildings, bus, and other objects in this city scene.
1st through 3rd Grades
Create a suburban scene with houses, a mini-van, trees, a lamp post, a town hall, and a school.
1st through 3rd Grades
Cut out the ghost, skeleton, scarecrow, Frankenstein, and pumpkin and attach them to the diarama scene.
These cute animal puppets are perfect for play or student performances. Students could even write their own plays and perform them!
Holiday Worksheets
Printable worksheets for Halloween, Christmas, Thanksgiving, and all major holidays.
Paper Bag PuppetsYour students will enjoy making adorable holiday puppets from paper bags. Use the templates to create a spooky Halloween skeleton, an adorable Valentine's Day bear, an Easter Bunny, and many more.