5th Grade Common Core: W.5.6
Common Core Identifier: W.5.6 / Grade: 5
Curriculum: Writing: Production and Distribution of Writing
Detail: With some guidance and support from adults, use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others; demonstrate sufficient command of keyboarding skills to type a minimum of two pages in a single sitting.
36 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Type a sentence for each of the twelve spelling words in this activity using a computer word processor. The spelling words in Unit E-14 all have an /ow/ or /oi/ sound, such as: avoid, loyal, mountain, appointment, and allowed.
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This is a printable activity for students to practice their typing skills with twelve of the spelling words in Unit E-26. Some of the words include: traffic, flatter, broccoli, intelligent, juggle, and happily.
This typing activity requires students to type a sentence including each of the twelve words provided from Spelling Unit E-1.
This spelling activity contains 12 words from Unit E-7, which are words that are plural nouns. Each student will use a computer word processor to type sentences including each of the words provided.
On this printable worksheet is a box with twelve of the spelling words from Unit E-29. Students will use a computer word processor to type twelve sentences each with a spelling word underlined in it.
This typing activity has four steps for students to follow: Step 1 is to type sentences for each of the 12 spelling words. Step 2 is to proofread. Step 3 is to adjust the font and size of the text. Step 4 is to save or print the file as the teacher has instructed.
On this printable spelling activity is a box with twelve spelling words from Unit E-4. Use a computer word processor to type twelve sentences, making sure each sentence has a spelling word in it.
Students can use their spelling words from Unit E-10 to practice their typing skills. They will type a sentence for each of the twelve words provided. Some of the words include: laser, elevator, believer, neighbor, and anchor.
Take time during this spelling unit to have your students also practice their typing skills using the Easter-themed words in this unit. Words included: lily, jellybeans, chocolates, baskets, daffodil, and springtime.
Assign your students this activity so they can practice typing some of their spelling words from Unit E-20, which are all 3-syllable words. Some of the words include: celebrate, miracle, dinosaur, tomorrow, reaction, and exercise.
This typing activity has twelve science words from this spelling unit to type sentences for. Words included are: experiment, environment, microscope, oxygen, biologist, scientist, and laboratory.
On this printable activity, there is a box of 12 of the spelling words from Unit E-23. Students will use a computer to type a document with sentences for each of the words.
Students will practice their typing and spelling skills with this printable activity. Step 1 is to type sentences with the spelling words in them. Step 2 is to proofread your work. Step 3 is to adjust the font and size of the text. Step 4 is to save or print the file according to the teacher's instructions.
The spelling words of Unit E-30 are words that are commonly misspelled. This activity will help students practice their typing skills while also reviewing their spelling words.
With this typing activity, students will have to type their name at the top of the page, use each spelling word in a complete sentence, and make sure each sentence has at least 6 words in them. The student should number the sentences 1 through 12 and be sure to underline the spelling word in each sentence.
This spelling activity will use have students typing out twelve of their spelling words into sentences using a computer word processor.
This is an activity for students to use their typing skills to review their spelling words from Unit E-11. The words in this unit have silent letters, including: fudge, answer, ballet, scissors, and assign.
On this spelling worksheet is a box with twelve Halloween words from the unit. Students will use a computer word processor to type sentences for each of the words, underlining the spelling word in each sentence.
The spelling words from Unit E-21 are 4-syllable words. This printable activity will have students typing a sentence for each of the 12 words on this worksheet.
This spelling worksheet is a typing activity that has students typing out a sentence for each of the twelve social studies-themed words listed in the box. Words include: immigration, geography, historical, soldier, Constitution, pioneer, and hemisphere.
Practice your typing skills with this spelling activity. This spelling unit features words with W, X, Y, and Z, including: yawning, zipper, pretzel, yogurt, awesome, and wheelbarrow.
This printable spelling activity will challenge students' typing skills as they type a sentence for each of the 12 words on this page.
This is a typing activity involving some of the spelling words from Unit E-27, which are words that are proper nouns. Words included on this worksheet are: Antarctica, Mt. Everest, January, Neptune, Wednesday, and December.
Your class will all use a computer to type out sentences with words such as: publish, obscure, signal, and function. This activity will help students practice typing and their spelling words.
Challenge your students with this typing activity which uses 12 of their spelling words from Unit E-13. Words include: breakable, peaceful, beautiful, lovable, comfortable, and graceful.
Step 1 of this activity has students typing twelve sentences for each of the spelling words listed on this worksheet. Step 2 requires students to proofread their work. Step 3 has students making sure the font and size of the text are appropriate and step 4 is to save or print the file as per the teacher's instructions.
Spelling Unit E-22 features words with 5-syllables. This activity instructs students to type a sentence for each of the words, which include: generosity, imagination, anniversary, elementary, organization, cafeteria, and electricity.
Your students will practice their typing skills while reviewing their thanksgiving spelling words with this worksheet. They will type a sentence for each of the twelve words in the box and underline the spelling word in each one.
This printable worksheet is a typing activity for some of the spelling words in Unit E-25. Some of the words include: storyteller, childcare, flashlight, background, headache, and highway.
This printable worksheet is a typing activity containing the words from Spelling Unit E-16. The words in this unit are all homophones, including: witch, petal, plane, plain, weather, peace, and flower.
The words in Spelling Unit E-28 are all demonyms, otherwise known as nouns that describe the inhabitants of a particular country, state, or location. This activity involves students typing sentences for each of the twelve spelling words on this worksheet.
Twelve spelling words from Unit E-3 have been selected for this typing exercise. Words in this activity include: breathe, believe, complain, remain, and niece.
Have your students complete this typing activity as another way to practice their spelling words. Some of the words include: castle, character, whistle, resign, and plumber.
Use some of the Christmas words from this spelling unit to practice typing skills on a computer. Some of the words included are: evergreen, wreath, gingerbread, ornaments, and elves.
This spelling activity has students typing out a sentence for each of the twelve words on this worksheet. Word included in this activity include: officer, cough, cause, author, taught, laundry, and hawk.
The words in this spelling activity include: lose, those, cancel, accept, license, and bicycle. For each of the twelve words, students will type out sentences with a computer word processor.