Super Teacher Worksheets

4th Grade Common Core: W.4.7

Common Core Identifier: W.4.7 / Grade: 4
Curriculum: Writing: Research to Build and Present Knowledge
Detail: Conduct short research projects that build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic.
13 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Your students will enjoy researching their favorite insect. They'll write about the anatomy, life cycle, and habitat of their insect. There is also a section for students to list interesting facts. (8 pages, includes bibliography and grading rubric)
Common Core
English and Spanish Versions Available
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Printable 5-page state report project packet.  There are spaces for listing capital, area, population, climate, etc.  Also has spaces to include a picture of state flag and maps.
Choose an animal. Write about it's habitat and anatomy. Then list interesting facts. Includes a bibliography page, a grading rubric, and step-by-step instructions.
Tell what the person has accomplished, why the person is important, and list a few interesting facts.
Research a famous historical explorer. Write about his or her major accomplishments, area explored, and biographical overview. (8 pages, includes bibliography and grading rubric)
Choose a planet to research and answer the questions in the packet.
Students research their favorite dinosaur. They describe the physical attributes of their dinosaur, tell what it ate, and where it lived. (7 pages, includes bibliography and grading rubric)
Research a Canadian province. Describe it's major cities, natural resources, and attractions. (9 pages, includes bibliography and rubric)
Students will enjoy reading about bats, skunks, owls, and other nocturnal animals.
Research an animal from the Arctic and tell how if camouflages into its surroundings.
Choose a former United States president and research his or her life, legacy, and accomplishments.
Research the life of Thomas Jefferson, George Washing, Benjamin Franklin, or any of America's Founding Fathers.
Choose a fairy tale a complete the research report on it. This file has seven pages of simple questions and graphic organizers for students to answer about their story.
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Common Core Alignment