4th Grade Common Core: W.4.6
Common Core Identifier: W.4.6 / Grade: 4
Curriculum: Writing: Production and Distribution of Writing
Detail: With some guidance and support from adults, use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others; demonstrate sufficient command of keyboarding skills to type a minimum of one page in a single sitting.
15 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Students will type their spelling words into sentences using a word processor and this printable spelling activity.
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Students will practice their typing skills by typing their spelling words into sentences.
Students will practice their typing skills and their spelling skills with this printable spelling activity.
Students will practice typing their spelling words into sentences with this printable spelling activity.
Students will practice their typing skills using this spelling activity and a word processor.
In this printable spelling activity, students will practice their typing skills using a word processor.
Students will practice their typing skills by typing their spelling words into sentences using a word processor, such as GoogleDocs or Microsoft Word.
Students will practice their typing skills and their spelling skills using this printable spelling activity.
Students will practice typing their spelling words with this printable activity.
Students will type their spelling words into sentences using a word processor, such as Microsoft Word or GoogleDocs.
Students will type their spelling words into sentences using a word processor.
Students will practice their typing skills with this printable spelling activity.
Students will practice their typing skills and their spelling skills with this printable spelling activity!
Students will practice their typing skills by typing their spelling words in sentences using this printable spelling activity.
Type your spelling words into sentences with this printable activity!