Super Teacher Worksheets

4th Grade Common Core: W.4.2

Common Core Identifier: W.4.2 / Grade: 4
Curriculum: Writing: Text Types and Purposes
Detail: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.
13 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
This non-fiction article about owls describes how they're adapted for nighttime hunting. Includes a page of reading comprehension questions, a vocabulary activity, and a writing prompt.
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Learn how alligators and crocodiles are different and how they're similar.
Learn the similarities and differences between boas and pythons with this compare/contrast article.
The cutest mammals in Australia actually have very sharp claws and they spend more time asleep than they do awake.
A porcupine rattles its quills and sends off an unpleasant odor to protect itself.  Finding yourself on the wrong end of a porcupine's quills may be more thrills than you're looking for.
Hadley doesn't want her friends to know she puts on performances at the senior center after school, but when her best friend catches her in the act, she'll have to confess her secret plans to be an actress.
Find out about three different subgroups of arthropods- insects, arachnids, and myriapods.
When Michelle's best friend Paige suddenly becomes popular, Michelle feels left out. But when Michelle mumbles something mean about Paige and someone overhears, rumors start to run wild through the school. Can Michelle set things straight and get her friend back?
The world's smallest bird - the bee hummingbird - can hover in place, fly upside down, and even fly backwards.
Discover many fascinating facts about chameleons.
Seth isn't happy about the project his teacher assigned, especially since he has to stay up late to complete it. But the perigee moon just might be more exciting than he realized.
Students will enjoy reading about bats, skunks, owls, and other nocturnal animals.
The Appalachians are some of Earth’s oldest mountains. They run through several provinces and more than a dozen states. Find out how they were shaped and how they shaped communities in this article.
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