Super Teacher Worksheets

3rd Grade Common Core: W.3.2

Common Core Identifier: W.3.2 / Grade: 3
Curriculum: Writing: Text Types and Purposes
Detail: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.
5 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Learn about the life cycle and anatomy of a monarch butterfly.
Common Core
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Did you know groundhogs can climb trees?  They're great swimmers too!  They can also whistle and bark.  Learn many more fascinating facts about groundhogs in this article.
This non-fiction article about owls describes how they're adapted for nighttime hunting. Includes a page of reading comprehension questions, a vocabulary activity, and a writing prompt.
Jared can't wait to get out of the summer sun and into the cool ocean water, but between the traffic and beach crowd it seems like it's taking forever to finally swim. But he'll learn a lesson in patience that will work in his favor.
Kendall is raking leaves in his yard and he can't imagine anything more boring. Eli, her next-door neighbor, shows her just how much fun raking leaves can be if you make a game of it.
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Common Core Alignment