3rd Grade Common Core: W.3.1b
Common Core Identifier: W.3.1b / Grade: 3
Curriculum: Writing: Text Types and Purposes
Detail: Provide reasons that support the opinion.
20 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Students must explain which character, in their opinion, is more intelligent: Harold or Chester.
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Write a friendly letter (fan mail) to your favorite author and send it off in the mail.
Would you rather live in a castle, on a houseboat, or on a farm? Why? (writing ideas)
Which superpower would you most like to have-- invisibility, super strength, or the ability to fly? Describe what kinds of things you would do with your powers. (creative thinking)
Use this worksheet to write a spring-themed poem. Then color in the rainbow!
Describe several ways a person your age can earn money. (Social Studies writing topics)
Enhance writing skills with this ELA worksheet focused on adverbs. Students will complete a poem by adding exciting adverbs to match each action verb, improving their understanding of word choice and sentence structure.
Write a descriptive essay about what, in your opinion, is a big waste of money.
Describe your favorite season (fall, spring, summer, or winter). Tell what kinds of things you like to do during that season. (Science journal topics)
How old were you four years ago? Describe some things you can do now that you could not do then. (critical thinking writing)
Help 4th grade students practice writing rhyming couplets with this printable worksheet. It includes a clear definition and an example of couplets, making it an ideal resource for teaching rhyme and poetry.
Each student use the template to write a haiku about their favorite animal. Thread the poems together with yarn and hang them in the classroom.
If you could spend an afternoon with one member of your extended family, who would it be? Tell why you chose this person and tell what you do together. (descriptive writing)
Students can use this worksheet to practice writing a spring-themed haiku. This worksheet features a flower image that can also be colored in.
If you were a doctor, what kind of doctor would you be? (examples: childrens' doctor, veterinarian, eye doctor, dentist) Tell what your job would be like. (careers)
Big Money FREE
Pretend you had $100, but you weren't allowed to keep it for yourself. You have to give it away to a charity or person. Who would you give the money to? What would you want the person to do with it? (creative writing; economics; character ed.)
First graders can practice writing by coloring this picture of a boy planting a tree and writing a creative story to match the illustration.
Write a descriptive essay about a fun fact many people don't know about you.
Imagine you worked at a football stadium. What would your job be? (examples: quarterback, cheerleader, coach, referee, ticket seller) Describe what you would do while you were on the job. (creative journal prompt)
This worksheet tells what a couplet is and includes space for students to write three couplets of their own.