3rd Grade Common Core: STW.3
Common Core Identifier: STW.3 / Grade: 3
Curriculum: Math: General
Detail: This set contains daily review math worksheets that cover a variety of 2nd and 3rd grade math standards. Because each problem covers a different math skill, we're unable to list each Common Core Standard included. Below you'll see only a partial list of Common Core Standards covered in this file.
29 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
On these daily math printables, your students can practice rounding on a number line, identifying polygons with right angles, telling time, and basic multiplication facts.
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Find the rule for the input/output table, tell how to solve a multi-step word problem, complete operations with parenthesis, write mixed numbers on a number line, and multiply to find the area of a square.
Within this set you'll find a variety of word problems, determining odd from even, telling time questions, geometry problems, and equal parts questions.
This set includes place value blocks, addition input/output boxes, fractions of a set, arrays, and linear measurement.
In week eleven, we cover multiples, arrays, word problems, perimeter, and creating bar graphs.
Here students will differentiate between open and closed shapes, solve an elapsed time problem, compare numbers, and find multiples of a number.
On these printable activities, your class will write repeated addition number sentences, complete addition/subtraction bar models, interpret a line plot, interpret a pictograph, and draw hands on an analog clock.
In week 29 of Math Buzz, students will practice filling in the missing numbers of math problems, compare numbers, and find the area of some rectangles.
This file contains the first 5 days of daily math review for 3rd graders. (This file covers skills from the end of 2nd grade.) Skills include: 2-digit and 3-digit addition and subtraction, counting money, reading analog clocks, measurement with nonstandard units, polygons, and word problems.
On these worksheets, your students will be asked to find the area and perimeter of a rectangle, find the capacity of two graduated cylinders, and complete some input and output boxes.
On these sheets your class will calculate elapsed time, find missing factors, divide using models, and find shapes with parallel lines.
Within this set of daily math review you will find
3-digit by 3-digit subtraction, multiplication problems, word problems, weight, and division problems.
3-digit by 3-digit subtraction, multiplication problems, word problems, weight, and division problems.
On these worksheets, students will be asked to practice basic multiplication with arrays, tell what fraction of a shape is shaded, add, subtract, compare 3-digit numbers, and solve a measurement word problem.
Answer questions related to symmetry, number bonds, arrays, thermometers, and missing addends, and multi-step word problems.
On these printables, students will solve basic multiplication problems (0s, 1s, and 2s), write numbers in expanded form, look for right angles, and calculate elapsed time.
With these worksheets, your class can solve an elapsed time problem using a number line, divide a trapezoid into equal parts, name fractional points on a number line, make a bar graph, and identify right angles.
This daily review set has more patterns, clocks, and base-10 place value blocks. There are also questions about capacity and calendars.
On these worksheets, students will practice and review naming fraction parts, counting place value blocks, bar model addition and subtraction, expanded form, and measuring centimeters.
On these daily math printables, your students will solve some division and multiplication problems, find the area of some rectangles, complete the in and out boxes, and compare numbers.
This daily review set has more input and output tables, number line fractions, area problems, and more!
Skills for this week include reading analog clocks, word problems, writing numbers in expanded form, reading a pictograph, measurement, dividing shapes into equal parts, and counting money.
On these printables, students will solve basic multiplication and division problems, find equivalent fractions, and compare some numbers and fractions.
Review fractions on a number line (quarters), types of angles, multiples of a number, rounding with a number line, and perimeter.
Week twenty-four of our daily math review includes input and output tables, area, perimeter, and some multiplication and division facts.
In the sixth week of Math Buzz, students will compare metric linear measurements, count money, divide rectangles into thirds, order numbers from greatest to least, use multiplication or repeated addition to solve an equal groups word problem.
This one has more arrays, a multiplication bar model, polygon questions, analog clocks, a perimeter questions, and a bar graph.
This file contains five worksheets. Skills covered include: liner measurement, input-output boxes (subtraction), perimeter of a trapezoid, and reading thermometers.
Count square units to find area of a square, solve a division problem using a graphic model, find missing numbers in 4-digit addition and subtraction problems, solve a multi-step word problem, and identify fractions on a number line.
Practice reading line plots, comparing numbers, comparing money amounts, number bonds, basic multiplication word problems, and rounding.