5th Grade Common Core: SL.5.1d
Common Core Identifier: SL.5.1d / Grade: 5
Curriculum: Speaking and Listening: Comprehension and Collaboration
Detail: Review the key ideas expressed and draw conclusions in light of information and knowledge gained from the discussions.
13 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
I am a place. It's summer here from November through February. In the winter it's dark all the time. In December and January it can be light for up to 20 hours a day.
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What famous Black agriculturalist was known as the 'Plant Doctor' and discovered 300 ways to use peanuts?
People have been trying to get rid of me for a hundreds of years. They once used crushed bone and oyster shells to do away with me.
I served as Secretary of State under Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. I am most famous for purchasing Alaska for the United States.
I worked as a goldsmith and silversmith. Perhaps I could be called The Marvelous Messenger because I warned American colonists that British troops were planning to arrest them.
With clues for each day of the week, plus a bonus clue, students will be challenged to figure out which invertebrate this puzzle is describing.
Give your students one of these clues each day. At the end of the school week, they'll have to guess what the mystery thing is.
What is being described by all of the clues on this printout? Hopefully by the end of the week students will have it figured out.
Can your students figure out who this mystery person is? Hints include that he helped establish the University of Virginia and served as a governor to the state.
This challenge puzzle concerns an animal that lives in Alaska. Give your students one clue card a day until they figure it out.
Use the clues for each day of the school week to help students solve the puzzle.
This challenge puzzle reveals a clue about the mystery thing each day of the week. This may be a fun activity to do the week before your unit on owls, so you can introduce students to them and reveal the topic at the end of the week.
These challenge cards include hints to the secret thing. Share one each day with students until they guess correctly.