8th Grade Common Core: RL.8.1
Common Core Identifier: RL.8.1 / Grade: 8
Curriculum: Reading Literature: Key Ideas and Details
Detail: Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
15 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Print out this worksheet after reading the chapter "Trick or Treat." It shows an image of Via sitting on August's bed talking to him. Kids will write down details of the conversation between Via and August.
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Questions for Part 1 FREE
This packet includes a variety of comprehension questions for Part 1 of Wonder. Check student's understanding of each chapter with multiple choice and short answer questions.
This activity asks students to reflect on the quote "your deeds are your monuments." Students will write about what this precept means.
Print out this crossword activity for Part 1 vocabulary words. Students will use 15 clues to determine where to place 15 different vocabulary words.
This printout shows an illustration from the final part of the book. Students will write details about what is happing in this scene.
This page has a picture of a scene from the chapter titled "The Performance Space." Look closely at the picture on this and describe what is happening.
After reading chapter 31, students can use this worksheet to write an advice letter to August.
This crossword is an engaging activity students can use to practice vocabulary words for Part 2 of Wonder.
This packet is the perfect companion for Part 2: Via. Students will explore the concepts of simile and metaphor, analyze quotes from the text, and answer questions about vocabulary words.
Take a close look at this image of Summer. Where is she? What is she doing? Students will write about the chapter "The Halloween Party."
Use the clues to fill in the horizontal and vertical boxes. This crossword uses vocabulary words from Part 3 of Wonder.
Print out this activity for students to complete while reading Part 3: Summer. Kids will answer a variety of questions after reading each chapter.
This worksheet has a picture depicting a scene from the chapter titled "Detention." Where is Jack? Why is he there? How does he feel? What is he thinking?
Look closely at this picture of a scene from the chapter titled "The Cheese Touch." Students will describe what is happening in this picture and write about how they think August felt.
After reading chapter 42, students will reflect on their own family background.