4th Grade Common Core: RL.4.4
Common Core Identifier: RL.4.4 / Grade: 4
Curriculum: Reading Literature: Craft and Structure
Detail: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including those that allude to significant characters found in mythology (e.g., Herculean).
28 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned worksheets found:
Distant, cold, and windy Neptune has one thing in common with Earth - what is it?
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Read about the biggest planet of them all, and discover the mysteries of the "Great Red Spot."
Discover Mercury, the planet closest to the sun. Read the article and answer the comprehension questions.
Use context clues to find the meanings of the underlined word in each sentence.
Find out about Earth's moon, and learn about the first man to walk on it.
Learn all about Mars, Earth's nearest neighbor, and human efforts to explore the Red Planet.
Discover why volcanoes erupt; learn the four different types of volcanoes; and read interesting volcano facts. Includes five comprehension questions.
Pluto, now a dwarf planet, got its name in a most unusual way. Read this article to find out more!
An informative article on the layers of the Earth (crust, mantle, inner core, and outer core). Includes comprehension questions.
Darla and Erin are blaming each other for breaking their teacher's glass apple, but when they each explain what happened, they'll realize how they were only seeing one side of the story.
Charla loves hanging out and going to the beach with Aunt Monica, but now that Aunt Monica is pregnant, Charla worries things are becoming all about the baby.
Do you think you know the The Boxcar Children? This file has a mix of multiple choice, short answer, and matching questions based on the book.
What would you do if you could rocket to the stars? This poem outlines a fun day in space for the narrator. Following the poem are five reading comprehension questions.
The word wizard's job is to find challenging words in the text and define them.
The word wizard finds challenging words from the story and defines them.
Choose several tough words from the reading and use a dictionary to define each one.
The word wizard's job is to find three unique or challenging words from the assigned reading and define them.
Honeydew is a bear who loves honey, but he comes into some trouble with the honeybees. Readers will answer questions and complete a writing prompt.
This is an nonfiction reading comprehension worksheet about ostriches. This animal worksheet is geared toward fourth grade students. Students learn facts about the ostrich in a nonfiction article and answer reading comprehension questions to follow. Vocabulary exercises and a writing prompt are included.
This poem uses clever wordplay to talk about the season of spring. Students will answer reading comprehension questions, complete a vocabulary exercise, and follow a writing prompt.
The word wizard writes down and defines challenging words to share with his/her literature circle.
The word wizard finds challenging words from the text and defines them.
The word wizard's job is to find challenging words from the reading assignment.